Biochemistry 300                       Bioinformatics



Subject                                                                                   Week       Chapter(s)             Lab  


Genome Sequence Acquisition                                                 1                      2          DQ 1-32             

Comparative Genomics / Evolution of Genomes                       2                      2, 3      DQ 35-44, 1-16 

Genome Identifications / Biomedical Research                         3                      3          DQ 17-40       

Diversity/ Genomic Variations / Cell Death                              4                      4          DQ 1-33              

Ethics of Genomics/ Exam 1                                                   5                      4          DQ 34-63       

Field Trip 1                                                                           6                      --          --                         


Introduction to Microarrays                                                    7                      6          DQ 1-34               

Alternate Uses of Microarrays / Cancer and Microarrays        8                      6, 7      *

Improving Health Care with Microarrays                                9                     7          **

Intro to Proteomics / 3D Structures & Interactions                10                    8          DQ 1-49               

Measuring Proteins                                                               11                    8          DQ 50-71             

Field Trip 2                                                                          12                    --          --                           

Exam 2                                                                                13                    --          --


Genomic Circuits in Single Genes                                          13 & 14           10          DQ 1-31             

Simple & Complex Integrated Genomic Circuits                   15                    11          DQ 1-37             

Synthetic Biology / Modeling Circuits                                   16                    11, 12      DQ 38-52, 1-12 

Final Exam                                                                                                      --                                     


*   DQ 36-39, 45-55, 60-67, 72-74, 1-10   

** DQ 20-23, 34-35, 39-44, 57-63, 73-77, 83-90             


Grading-           Lecture             50% (2 Exams @ 12.5% each, 1 Final @ 25%)

                        Lab                  50% (Weekly Lab Assignments)


The text for the course will be: “Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, & Bioinformatics” by Campbell & Heyer, 2nd Edition.  This book is available at the bookstore.  The laboratory questions come from the textbook as well.  Material needed for lab can be accessed at:  


Contact:           Prof. James Godde

                        HT 404

                        Phone: 2350

 Course Objectives


Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

1) Understand methods and research questions in bioinformatics

2) Analyze real data

3) Engage in a realistic learning environment

4) Utilize online databases

5) Appreciate the complexity of research systems

6) Integrate different types of information

7) Reconsider cells as intracellular ecosystems

8) Integrate bioinformatics with biology