CATA 101 --  Audience Analysis Group Project – McGaan

Last updated 9/26/2000


Overview: Each of you will be assigned to a group of five people and each group will be assigned one of the following topic areas.


Gender Equality Issues

Gay Rights

Crime Control

Monmouth College Student Recruiting

Volunteering at Monmouth College


As a group, use the demographic and opinion data on American College Freshmen and Monmouth College Freshmen to analyze a potential audience of Monmouth students to whom you could make a speech concerning your topic.  Based on your analysis of the data, prepare a group report for the class.  The group report on your audience analysis should include the following material:


1.                  the thesis you would use for your speech

2.                  how you came to determine the thesis you created

3.                  the data in the survey that is most relevant to your speech (topic and thesis)

4.                  how you plan to adapt your speech to the audience based on what you learned from the data

5.                  what information you would like to know about your potential audience that is not contained in the data provided


Your group will likely need to meet at least once or twice outside of class to analyze the data and prepare for your group report.  You will have to look over the data provided carefully and use some creativity in figuring out what may be relevant and how to use it.  The handout on Audience Analysis may give you some clues but you will need to go beyond that and use your own judgment about how to best design a thesis and message.



Plan on limiting your group=s report to the class to about 10 - 12 minutes.  All members of the group should be present and participate in both the preparation meetings and the report in class.  It is likely that you will want to use visual aids for your class report.  (If you need help with visual aids, just ask.)  I will give the group a grade based on how well you deal with each of the points (1. - 5.) above as well as how effective the actual presentation of your report is.  Each member of the group will then get the group grade as theirs for this assignment.


Groups for the Audience Analysis Group Project



Group 1 B Gender Equality Issues

( Wed. 10/4 )


Jim Anderson

Jason Day

Rachael Giantomasso

Bridget Lee

Jenny Scudero


Group 3 - Crime Control

( Wed. 10/4 )


Jamie Blaine

Katie Dorsch

Amanda Hinshaw

Amy Mielak

Jerry Sukley


Group 5 - Volunteering at MC

( Fri. 10/6 )


Michelle Courchane

Andrew Full

Tony Laskin

Lindsay Pope


Group 2 - Gay Rights

( Wed. 10/4 )


Brett Black

Jeff Dickey

Brandon Grear

Crystal McGrew

Shannon Shonkwiler


Group 4 - Monmouth Student Recruiting

( Fri. 10/6 )


Channon Corzatt

Shannon Fitzjarrald

Todd Hochmuth

Ryan Moll

Justin Widloe