Backstage Revealed


2 ways to get backstage


Pass door; stage door


Stage house (stage and wings, etc.)


Nautical origin 18th cent. Sailors


Floor: deck; crew swabs it; ropes rigging



Prop tables; changing booths




Traps (trap room)


Fly loft, flies, gridiron, grid




Arbor; stageweignts


Counterweight system


Dressing Rooms; Green room (London’s Drury Lane waiting room)


Crossover; US, understage, outside


Turning on a lightbulb:


Property master, prop crew, wardrobe crew, carpenter, electrician, director, board operator, master electrician, lighting designer, stage manager, scene designer, actor




Production manager

Link between artistic and managing directors and heads of 6 production departments.

Responsible for scheduling, budgeting and communications between department heads. Very important.  Ensures artistic qualities and logistics are achieved



Technical director *TD) head of scene shop.  Oversees construction, painting, installation of all scenery.  Coordinates scene shop’s wor with production manager and interpretes technical drawings provided by scene designer.  Orders materials and supplies, assigns work, fixes schedules and monitors progress.


Scene Shop managr

Sometimes same person. Supervises work of carpenters daily. 


Charge Artist

Head painter who supervises scene painters


Prperty Master

Prop shop usually adjacent to scene shop. Same tools.  Prop Master heads prop crew and makes artistic decisions in coordination with scene designer and works with Production manager and budges


Costume Manager

Cutters and Drapers, tailors, stitchers, dyers, wig maker, milliner, cobbler, wardrobe supervior (who supervises the dressers)

Supervises all and coordinates with Stage manager to schedule fittings.  In fitting room




Master electrician , Lighting designer, electricians



Sound engineer, Sound Designer


Stage manager, assistant stage managers