
Although the Canadian region covers the three Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, the bulk of this report covers the state of Classics in the universities in Ontario. The eleven institutions that reported repeatedly tell tales of success. Queens University (Kingston) has its highest Classics enrollments in recent years (1800 student courses, more than 120 concentrators); both the departments in Waterloo (Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier) are bulging at the seams the former became its own department last year through an amicable divorce from Anthropology, the latter is doing especially well in Classical Archaeology. At Trent student numbers have risen 70% in two years; Guelph too reports a good increase in both majors and minors.

One particularly encouraging story comes from the University of Windsor, where an autonomous department of six had over the years become an amalgamated duo, both of whom would retire in the summer of 2002. A student petition, supported by a strong lobby from faculty and departments, persuaded the administration not only to replace the retiring professors but to add a three-year appointment as well. Guelph has added a tenured professor (Andrew Sherwood) in archaeology & art history, McMaster (in Hamilton) is "getting solid support from our administrators" and is looking for a senior person in Greek history, as well as a junior position in art & archaeology. Brock University (St Catharines) has hired a new archaeologist (Danielle Parks) and very recently appointed Roberto Nickel to a position in Greek literature. Trent University made its first tenured appointment in 25 years, Jennifer Moore an archaeologist with a special interest in Northern Africa. There are considerable changes underway at the University of Toronto, where four senior faculty retire in 2001 and 2002. Toronto has filled a joint position in Classics and Drama (Martin Revermann from Oxford), and is seeking a historian, a joint appointment with Philosophy, and a Bronze Age specialist. At York University (Toronto) Jonathan Edmondson is now Director of the program in Classical Studies.

In miscellaneous news from the universities, Tim Barnes (Toronto) and Steve Mason (York) have both been awarded Killam fellowships, the latter working on a translation and commentary on Josephus. David Konstan (Brown) gave the Robson Lectures at Victoria College in the University of Toronto, and Martin West (Oxford) will be giving the Wiegand Lecture at Toronto in April. A fund has been established by the Classical Association of Canada in memory of Desmond Conacher, honorary president of the CAC and Canadas premier student of Greek Drama. This will provide funding for a graduate student in Classics at a Canadian university; in the first year nearly $40,000 has been raised. In July 2001 a traveling exhibition "A Stage for Dionysus: theatrical space and ancient drama" was held in Stratford in conjunction with the Stratford Festival, a dramatic presentation of architectural models, artifacts, costumes and masks, plus large format photographs, video and multimedia presentations. The Essay contest for the Classical Association of Canada was won by a student in the CAMWS region, Aaron Puley from Trent. Our youngest university, Nipissing, added a third-year Latin course for the first time.

Conferences of note during the past year include: "An Interdisciplinary Conference on Mapping. Ancient and modern" (Saskatchewan), "Roman Family IV: Italy and Beyond" (McMaster), "Reconstructing Ancient Texts: the Toronto Conference on Editorial Problems" (Toronto), "From Martyrs to Masters: Christianity in the Roman Empire" (Brock), "Symposium on Myth & Genre" (Guelph), "Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome" (York). Two dramatic productions may be noted: a very well received Bacchae at the University of Toronto, and the annual performance of the Classics Drama Group at Trent University, Sophokles Oedipus at Kolonos.

The Ontario Classical Association held its autumn meeting at Queens University, and its spring meeting in early April will involve attending a performance of Handels Julius Caesar by the Canadian Opera Company. The Ontario Classical Association became a legal corporation in late 2001, and will elect its first Board of Directors in April.


Western Ontario:
Wilfrid Laurier:

Ontario Classical Association:



There is not much to report in Saskatcewan. Classics has been disbanded and merged with History and Archaeology, respectively. The Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology program is continuing to do well. History has initiated an interdisciplinary program in Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies that is in the process of being fine-tuned but has the support of a number of people in History and elsewhere (English, St. Thomas More College). CMRS should offer students in History and related depths a chance to study the relevant periods and cultures in diachronic perspective, with an emphasis on the Western intellectual/cultural tradition. The long-term future for Classics within such a program remains somewhat uncertain, given the limited role of language and literature, and the somewhat diffuse nature of the subject matter. 

This material was posted on the web by CPL Chair, Tom Sienkewicz, at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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