MHS Latin Club Receives Regional Award

The Monmouth High School Latin Club was the recent recipient of the 1999-2000 award from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) for the best high school promotional activity.  CAMWS is an organization of university, college, secondary and elementary teachers of Latin, Greek and all other studies which focus on the world of classical antiquity. In order support high school programs and activities in a positive way, the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL) annually recognizes with a trophy and a certificate the high school group which develops the most outstanding and effective activity for promoting Latin in CAMWS territory (which includes Illinois and extends east as far as Ohio, South from Virginia, West to Utah and Arizona and North into the Canadian Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.). The MHS Latin Club was chosen for this award because of the original ways in which it promoted Latin in the school district. Some of these efforts included participation in a United Way Outhouse Race, sponsorship of Roman soldier performances at Central Junior High School and Monmouth High School, and the organization of a Classics Bee for all fifth through eighth grade students in the city of Monmouth, Illinois. In the photo below Leonard Szaltis (left), president of the MHS Latin Club, is shown receiving the award from Dr. Vicki Wine (center), Illinois State Vice President for CAMWS, with MHS Latin Teacher Jackie Urban at right.

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NOTE: This website is maintained by CPL Chair, Tom Sienkewicz, at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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