CLAS201 Classics Seminar

Spring, 2009
Department of Classics
Monmouth College

This seminar offers a survey of current topics and disciplinary models in the field of Classics for Classics majors and minors and serious students of the Classics.

THEME: Romans on the Frontier

The seminar will meet about 90 minutes per week and will be run in the format of a graduate school seminar during which there will be student reports as well as discussion and interpretation of the assigned readings.

Each participant in the seminar will become an expert on a different part of the world in the year one. Every week the seminar will consider compare different aspects of life in the ancient world, including history, religion, daily life, art, architecture, and literature.

You are expected to complete a short research assignment every week. You will give a brief oral summary of this work in class and provide a written copy of your report to the instructor. As the semester progresses you will also organize all of this work into a coherent paper dealing with some aspect of the Roman frontier.

Attendance at various classics lectures and events during the semester is also required. Some of these required Classics events include the lectures sponsored by the Western Illinois Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Fox Classics Lecture.

Failure to complete any of these assignments may significantly affect your grade in the course.

 25% Class Participation
 25% Oral Presentation
 25% Weekly Written Summaries
 25%  Final paper

About the instructor / Course Schedule  / Class Photo

Web-based resources: Nifty Websites / Bibliography of Internet Resources on Ancient Societies /


The required text, The Reach of Rome by Derek Williams is available online at


The course pack price is $52.11, and includes materials that we will use in class daily, so you should purchase your own copy. Also, please keep in mind that our institution adheres to copyright law, so any copyrighted material should not be copied or duplicated in any manner.


To purchase the course pack, please follow the instructions below:


Step 1: Log on to

Step 2: Click on the white "STUDENTS BUY HERE" button located in the "Student Store" section (upper right-hand corner of the page).

Step 3: Create an account or log in if you have an existing account to purchase.

Step 4: Easy-to-follow instructions will guide you through the rest of the ordering process. Payment can be made by all major credit cards or with an electronic check.


Orders are typically processed within 24 hours and the shipping time will depend on the selected shipping method and day it is shipped (orders are not shipped on Sundays or holidays). If you experience any difficulties, please email or call 800.200.3908.


A word on academic honesty: You are encouraged to work with other members of the class. However, please do not try to recite another's translation. This is a form of plagiarism (copying someone else's work without giving credit) which is both dishonest and ineffective for your goal of learning Latin. Any student submitting plagiarized work will receive a failing grade for that assignment. If two papers with identical or nearly-identical work are submitted by different students, both papers will receive a failing grade.

Caveat: This syllabus is subject to revision by the instructor, provided that written or verbal notice is given in class.

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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