CLAS201 Classics Seminar
Spring, 2014
     Department of Classics
        Monmouth College


This seminar offers a survey of current topics and disciplinary models in the field of Classics for Classics majors and minors and serious students of the Classics.

THEME: Murder in the Antonine Age

In this seminar the life, marriage and death of a Roman woman named Regilla, the wife of Herodes Atticus, provide the context for studying the Roman world in the 2nd century A.D., especially issues of gender, class and ethnicity. The focus of the seminar is The Murder of Regilla: a case of domestic violence in antiquity by Sarah B Pomeroy (Harvard University Press, 2009). We will read the book together, discuss it chapter by chapter, and consider related literary and archaeological material in order to learn as much as possible about the life and death of Regilla and the Antonine world in which she lived.

Members of the seminar are expected to:
1. participate fully in class discussions;
2. give one teamed-oral class presentation on a book review(List of Reviews of Pomeroy's The Murder of Regilla);
3. give two team-based oral class presentation on topics related to Regilla (Topics for Team Presentations);
4. participate, at the end of the seminar, in a trial of Herodes Atticus for the murder of his wife.
5 a follow-up paper on the trial in which members cast their vote as a member of the jury and explain the reasons for their vote.

The seminar
will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:45 for the first eight weeks of the semester and will be run in the format of a graduate school seminar based upon team presentations, discussion and interpretation of the assigned readings.

Each member of the seminar will be part of TWO team presentations on topics related to Regilla. Typically teams will consist of two people. Topics for Team Presentations.
Each team presentation will include the following:
1.) presentation the topic to seminar members in a presentation; lasting a full 15 minutes
2.) introduction of the class to one new website
3.) introduction of the class to an important book or article on the topic
4.) lead the class in a discussion of the material
5.) handout outlining the topic along with at least one useful visual resource, a list of important names and terms with definitions, the website link (and brief summary), bibliographic info for book or article (with brief summary), and questions for discussion.
Be sure to put your names on the handout.
Nota Bene:
A draft of the handout must be submitted for Prof. Sienkewicz's approval two days before the presentation.
Failure to include any of these features in the presentation will significantly affect your grade.

10%  Class Attendance and Participation
45%  Team Presentations
10%  Handouts for Team Presentations
15%  Book Review
15%  Trial of Herodes Atticus
10%  Post-Trial Paper

About the instructor  / Effective Communication / Class Schedule / Class Photo / Course Engagement Expectations / Academic Honesty / Writing Center / Teaching and Learning Center / Disability Support Services / Academic Calendar / Caveat /

Web-based resources: Nifty Websites / Bibliography of Internet Resources on Ancient Societies

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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