Alcestis of Euripides

Prologue 1-75
Monologue by Apollo 1-28
Dialogue between Apollo and Death 29-75

Parodos 76-135

1st Episode 136-212
Dialogue between chorus and servant

1st Choral Song 213-235

2nd Episode 236-435
Dialogue between chorus, Alcestis, and Admetus 236-392
(Alcestis sings 244-272)
Dialogue between chorus, Admetus and Eumelus 393-434
Eumelus sings

2nd Choral Song 436-476

3rd Episode 477-567
Dialogue between chorus and Heracles 477-508
Dialogue between chorus, Heracles and Admetus 509-550
Dialogue between chorus and Admetus 551-567

3rd Choral Song 568-604

4th Episode 605-961
Dialogue between chorus, Admetus and Phores 605-733
Dialogue between chorus and Admetus 733-746
Monologue by servant 747-772
Dialogue between Heracles and servant 773-860
Kommos with Admetus 861-933
Speech by Admetus 934-961

4th Choral Song 962-1007

Exodos 1008-1163
Dialogue between chorus, Admetus and Heracles