Identify the name which is described by each statement from Pindar’s Pythian 3. An answer can be used more than once.
















1.      If I were permitted to utter the prayer in everyone's mind, I would wish that __________, son of Philyra and sovereign Kronos, a friend of mankind, now dead and gone, were living still and that he ranged the ridges of Pelion,


2.      He raised ____________________, the gentle hero, craftsman in remedies for the limbs of men tormented by disease.


3.      Before his ______________ mother, daughter of Phlegyas the rider, could bring him to birth, before Eleithyia could ease her pangs,


4.      ________________ sank to the house of Death, stricken in her chamber by gold arrows


5.      She was struck by the golden arrows of ______________


6.      at the urging of _______________:


The wrath of gods finds fulfillment.


7.      In her folly. _______________ had slighted him, consenting--without her father's knowledge--to another union


8.      though she had lain before with ______________ and bore the god's pure seed within her.


9.      _________________did not wait for her marriage feast, the high cries of Hymen! Hymen! such as girls of her age, maiden companions, echo in song, bantering the bride with girlhood names on her wedding night. No: like many another, she hungered for things remote.


There are some, utterly shiftless, who always look ahead, scorning the present, hunting the wind of doomed hopes.


10.  Eager ____________, fond of gay clothing, was wholly taken with this infatuation--she lay in the arms of a stranger who came from Arkadia, but she did not escape her watcher:

11.  Loxias [_____________] the king, in his temple at Delphi, heard what had happened, informed by his surest confidant, echo in song, bantering the bride his all-knowing mind impervious to lies, beyond the reach of mortal or immortal deception, of fraud planned or perpetrated.


12.  He saw _________ then, lying in bed with Ischys, son of Elatos--he saw her blasphemous deceit.


13.  He sent down _____________ raging with anger to Lakereia, for the maiden dwelledon the banks of Lake Boibias. An evil power possessed and destroyed her and many others were involved in her ruin.


Though but a spark of fire fall on the mountain, the thick trees blaze and are gone.


14.  Only when her kinsmen had placed __________ on a wooden mound and the grim glare of flame ran crackling around her


15.  did __________relent: "I cannot kill my own child, trapped in the doom of its ruined mother," he said, and strode into the blaze. The fire hid nothing from him:


16.  in one step he found the corpse, tore the infant from it, and carried it to ___________ in Thessaly to be taught the art of medicine.


17.  And those who came to ___________ with flesh-devouring sores, with limbs gored by gray bronze or crushed beneath flung stones, all those with bodies broken, sun-struck or frost-bitten, he freed of their misery, each from his ailment, and led them forth--some to the lull of soft spells, others by potions, still others with bandages steeped in medications culled from all quarters, and some he set right through surgery.


 But even wisdom feels the lure of gain--


18.  Gold glittered in his hand, and ___________was hired to retrieve from death a man already forfeit:


19.  the son of Kronos [___________] hurled and drove the breath, smoking from both their chests--savior and saved alike speared by the lightning flash.


From the gods we must expect things that suit our mortal minds, aware of the here and now,

aware of our allotment.

Do not yearn, O my soul, for immortal life!

Use to the utmost the skill that is yours.


20.  Yet if wise ___________ still haunted his cave, if my singing had worked upon his mood like a soothing drug, I would have moved him to rear another healer, a son of Leto or of Zeus, a hero to relieve good men of the blaze of fever.


21.  And ___________would have come, cleaving the Ionian sea on ship, to Arethusa's fountain and my Aitnaian host.


22.  ___________ holds the throne of Syracuse, a king gentle to his citizens and generous to his nobles, a father to arriving strangers.


23.  If ___________ had stepped from ship bringing this double grace to him, golden health and a revel-song to brighten his triumphs, the Pythian garlands Pherenikos took at Kirrha once, beating all contenders: I say I would have crossed the deep sea like a  radiance reaching farther than a heavenly star


24.  But ____________ wish to make my prayer to the sacred Mother Goddess whom Theban maidens celebrate all the night through, singing of her and of Pan not far from where I dwell.


25.  If, ___________, you understand, recall the proverb now:


The deathless gods dole out to death-bound men two pains for every good.

Fools make nothing of either.

The noble turn both to advantage, folding pain within, and showing beauty without.


26.  ____________ have a share of happiness--on you, if on any man, great destiny has smiled, for you are master of a people.


Still, no life was ever safe from falling:


27.  not even ___________, the son of Aiakos, or Kadmos, the gods' double, knew perfect bliss, though men account them blest with the highest joy--they heard the Muses singing on the mountain and in seven-gated Thebes,


28.  when ____________ married dark-eyed Harmonia


29.  and Peleus married ___________, the glorious daughter of Nereus, and the gods feasted in their company, the children of Kronos, kings on golden thrones: they beheld them and received their wedding gifts.


30.  So ___________ blessed them with a change from former troubles, and their hearts were high.


31.  But in time again ___________lost his share of bliss: three of his daughters destroyed it and yet the fourth, white-armed lovely Thyona, welcomed Zeus to her bed.


32.  And the only child [____________] of Peleus and immortal Thetis, felled by an arrow in war and leaving life behind, stirred the lament of the Danaans [Greeks] as he burned on the pyre.


It is proper that a mortal man, knowing the way of truth, prosper from the gods when he has the chance.

Winds soar on high--one is a blessing, another is not.

Happiness that wafts a man in full sail will not sustain him long.


33.  ____________ will be small among the small, great among the great. The spirit embracing me from moment to moment I will cultivate, as I can and as I ought. And if the gods bestow abundant wealth on me, then I will hope to find high glory in days to come. We know of Nestor and Lykian Sarpedon from resonant words, such as skilled craftsmen of songs have welded together.


It is radiant poetry that makes virtue long-lived, but for few is the making easy.