Individualized Project:
Some Guidelines
Department of Classics, Monmouth College

Each student will pursue a semester-long project which focuses on some aspect of mythology in the modern world and which relates this material to the student's own  experiences. Preparation for this project must include library research, analysis of historical evidence, and original work. At mid-semester you will submit a 300-word prospectus for this project. In this prospectus you will outline the topic and an evaluation of at least five works you have consulted on this topic.

Some sample topics: 
an individual god, like Zeus and his appearances in modern cartoons
or a comparison of modern interpretations of ancient deities, like Zeus and Apollo
or the way that the travels of Odysseus are used in the modern world
or a comparison or two or more readings, like Ovid's stories about Daphne and Narcissus and the way they are used in the modern world

How to begin:

Consider TOPIC, not PRODUCT first.

1. Think about material in the course which is of particular interest to you and about which you would like to learn more.

2. Do some preliminary research on this topic on the web and in the library. Be sure to consult books and journal articles as well as webpages. You may have to order some material on inter-library loan. Please do not wait until the last minute to do this. The best projects will be ones which demonstrate good and varied research materials.

3. Use this preliminary research and reflection to consider ways that you can discuss your own or modern religious ideas and how (i.e., in what medium) you plan to do so.

4. You are now ready to write the prospectus due on Oct. 25th.

Prospectus for Individualized project should include the following information:

1.) a paragraph describing the topic you are pursuing;

2.) a summary of what you have done so far and plan to do to prepare this topic;

3.) an annotated bibliography of resources you have consulted or planned to consult. Annotated means that you will add a sentence or two noting how you think you can use the information in this resource for your project;

4.) a short paragraph describing how you plan to present this project; i.e., what medium (paper, artwork, webpage, etc.) do you plan to use and why.

The central product of this project can take the form of a research paper, creative writing, artwork, website or any other work which deals with material covered in course readings or discussions. the final product should somehow combine your  with images from the ancient world.

All central products must be supplemented by a written statement (c.600 words) which contains the following information:

1.) a summary of the project;

2.) a description of its preparation;

3.) an explanation of how the project fulfils the requirements of the assignment;

4.) a summary of the original aspects of this project.

plus an annotated bibliography of at least ten works consulted ("annotated" means a brief explanation of how these works were used in the project);

NOTE: Course books can be cited in the bibliography but only as complements to at least ten additional works. The quality of the material consulted will significantly affect the grade. It is highly recommended that a variety of resources be consulted, including books, journals, and websites. Heavy reliance on a single kind of resource (especially encyclopedia articles) is not advised.


The final individualized project is due at the end of the semester and will be 30% of your final grade. See the course schedule for specific due dates.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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