The Major Greek Gods

* = Olympian diety

The Olympian Gods: Images and Texts

Son of Kronos. Latin Jupiter or Jove, King of the Gods, "Father of Gods and Men," "the Olympian."
Attributes: thunderbolt, eagle.

Latin Juno, Zeus' queen (and sister), patron goddess of Argos and Samos, goddess of marriage.
Attributes: crown, veil; peacock

Latin Neptune, brother of Zeus, god of the sea earthquakes, horses, and much more.
Attributes: trident, horse.

Hades or Plouton
Latin Pluto, brother of Zeus, sometimes called Zeus of the underworld," ruler of the dead, husband of Kore (Persephone)

Also known as Kore. Latin Proserpina, daughter of Demeter, abducted by Hades; Queen of the dead.

Latin Ceres, sister of Zeus, goddess of grains ("cereal") and of agriculture; the "sorrowful mother" of Greek myth, mourning her daughter Kore, abducted by Hades. With her daughter, goddess of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a Greek religious organization.
Attributes: torch, ear of wheat

Also spelled Athene. Latin Minerva, daughter of Zeus (no mother); virgin goddess of defensive warfare, crafts. Patron of Athens.
Attributes: owl, helmet, and spear

Also spelled Hephaistos. Latin Vulcan, son of Zeus and Hera, god of the forge, of industry. Lame. Husband of Aphrodite.
Attributes: hammer and forge

Latin Mercury, son of Zeus and the nymph Maia. Messenger of the gods, god of roads, commerce, doorways, luck, trickery, thieves; conductor of the dead to the kingdom of Hades, patron of shepherds and athletes.
Attributes: caduceus (herald's staff), winged hat and sandals

Son of Zeus and Leto. God of the oracle at Delphi, of purification and music, of "the intelligible, determinate, mensurable, as opposed to the fantastic, vague and shapeless." Sender and healer of diseases.
Attributes: lyre, bow.

Latin Diana, sister of Apollo, goddess of the hunt, protectress of wild animals, patroness of the young and innocent, of women (especially when pregnant); virgin, naturally hostile to Aphrodite.
Attributes: bow, moon.

Latin Bacchus, son of Zeus and Semele, god of emotional release of drama, of wine--in short, of the "life force," the wet element in nature; accomplished by Satyrs Sileni (half-horse or half-goat) and Maenads (wild women).
Attributes: the vine; ivy, thyrsus

Latin Venus; also "Cypris," "Cytherea; sometimes considered daughter of Zeus, goddess of love, sex, beauty--so naturally hostile to Artemis.
Attributes: doves, fruit.

Eros ("Passionate love") Latin Cupid, son of Aphrodite

Latin Mars, god of violence, carnage, offensive war.
Attributes: shield, sword.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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