Anthropomorphism and Greek Humanism
Morford and Lenardon, Chapter 4

The Nature of the Gods

        mortality vs. immortality

        natural vs. supernatural

        anthropomorphism and theriomorphism

The Divine Hierarchy

gods  extraordinary immortals
heroes  extraordinary mortals
humans  ordinary mortals

               Olympian gods

                chthonic deities

                nymphs, naiads, dryads, etc. 

    The divine spark is in all living things.

Zeus and Monotheism

    Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus

Greek Humanism

 "Man as the measure of all things." (Protagoras)

 "Wonders are many but none is more wonderful than man" (Sophocles' Antigone)

Anthropomorphism as a celebration of the intersection of the divine and the human.   

 Myth, Religion and Philosophy

        The Legendary History of Herodotus

Story of Solon and Croesus (Herodotus I,30-46)

    Tellus the Athenian

    Cleobis and Biton












insecurity of human life (Croesus the king becomes a slave)

fate: Atys (= "under the influence of Ate or Doom") and Adrastus (= "the one who cannot escape")

the unknown future (oracles)

gods reward human faith (Croesus on the funeral pyre

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at
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