CLAS230 Classical Mythology
Department of Classics
Monmouth College

Spring Semester 2005

Part I: The Tragic Hero and Myth
Jan. 18 What is a myth? A Definition of Myth (see the American Heritage Dictionary) Cullen's "Yet Do I Marvel"
Jan. 20 Nature of Myth: Chapter 1 of Harris and Platzner and Sienkewicz' "On Myths and Sisyphean Tasks"
Jan. 25 and 27 Interpreting Myth: Chapter 2 of Harris and Platzner (H&P) and Sienkewicz' "The Web of Myth"
Feb. 1 The Mythic Hero: Chapter 10 of H&P 
Due on Thursday: Tell the story of someone born after 1900 as a mythic hero.

Feb. 3 The Tragic Hero: Chapter 14 of H&P 
Due on Feb. 10: Tell the story of your mythic hero as a tragic hero.

Part II: Gods and the Tragic Hero
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound

Feb. 8 and 10  Chapter 3 of H&P
Feb. 15 Chapter 4 of H&P
Euripides' Hippolytus
Feb. 17 and 22  Chapter 8 of H&P See Greek Tragedy Handouts
Feb. 24  Seneca's Phaedra Quiz on Parts I and II

Part III: War and the Tragic Hero: Troy
Sophocles' Philoctetes

March 1 Chapters 12-13 of H&P (to pg. 363) Website Summary and Evaluation due.
Euripides' Trojan Women 
March 3 and 15 Chapter 13 of H&P (from pg. 363 to end). Mid-Course Evaluation Due.
March 15  Fox Classics Lecture 7:30 P.M. in Highlander Room (Attendance Required). Prospectus for Individualized Project due.
March 17 Seneca's Trojan Women
Response Paper on Fox Lecture Due.
Attend Crimson Masque performance of Trojan Women.

Part IV: The Tragic House of Atreus
Seneca's Thyestes
March 22. Response Paper on Crimson Masque Performance Due. 
Aeschylus' Agamemnon
March 24 Chapter 15 of H&P. 
March 29
Aeschylus' Libation Bearers
March 31
April 5
Sophocles' Electra and Euripides' Electra Electra as a Sophoclean Hero
April 7
Aeschylus' Eumenides
April 12

Part V: The Tragic House of Laius
Sophocles' Oedipus
April 14 Chapter 16 of H&P. Quiz on Parts III and IV
Oedipus as Ideal Tragic Hero 

April 19 (Scots' Day)
April 21 Seneca's Oedipus
Sophocles' Antigone
April 26

Part VI: Everything Back to Dionysus

Euripides' Bacchae
April 28 Chapter 8 of H&P Individualized Project Due.
May 3 Chapter 17 of H&P Some Dionysian Terms

May 5: Quiz on Parts V and Part VI and  MAP/GEOGRAPHY QUIZ

May 12  Class Meeting for Poster Presentations and Course Evaluations, 1 P.M.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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