This pattern was created by Dr. Terry Johnson of the University of Victoria in British Columbia and is here applied to Medea by Dr. Tom Sienkewicz of Monmouth College in Illinois.

The Magical Earth Maiden Pattern
applied to the myth of Medea

1. A young orphaned girl, on the brink of womanhood.
Medea is not orphaned but she is young.

2 lives in a remote place of power.
Medea lived in Colchis, on the edge of the Greek world.

3. The maiden does not usually travel; she may be carried off by an evil female.
Medea grows up in Colchis and does not travel until after she meets Jason.

4. The Maiden is possessed of a power but may not realise it.
Medea is a witch.

5. The power may be symbolized by a token, ring, necklace, jewel.
The power of Colchis is symbolized by the Golden Fleece.

6. The Maiden’s power is transformative, healing, or creative connected to the earth.
Medea gives Jason the salve to protect him from the breathe of the fire-breathing bulls.

7. She may be threatened by powerful rival female who may turn out to be a witch. (See #3)
Medea is threatened by the political power of her rival in love, the princess of Corinth.

8. She may have a wise mentor who teaches the arts of the earth and to use her attractive power prudently. The mentor is often her deceased mother.
Medea’s mentor is Hecate, the goddess of the underearth.

9. The Maiden attracts a young male, often a prince or a person of power and prestige.
Jason falls in love with Medea.

10. The Prince may already be on a quest, which may be the rescue of the Maiden; or he is set a quest by the Maiden.
Jason is in quest of the Golden Fleece.

11. The Prince needs help from the Maiden and she gives it.
Medea helps Jason acquire the Fleece and escape from Colchis.

12. The quest is completed successfully and the pair are united in a bond of friendship, familial love or marriage.
Jason and Medea are married in Thessaly and have two sons.