CLAS230 Classical Mythology
Instructor: Thomas J. Sienkewicz (

VII. Unit Exams

There will be two (2) unit tests--one on Thursday, March 11th, and the other on the LAST DAY of regular class, Thursday, May 6th. Both will consist of single essay questions which offer students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of class lectures and text readings, to draw general conclusions about the material, to evaluate the portrayal of women in Classical mythology, and to distinguish between ancient Greek and modern interpretations of these women. In answering this essay questions students should be prepared to make reference to a variety of material, including class lectures, slides, text readings, and films.

Here is the essay question for the FIRST UNIT EXAM:

Use a variety of women and deities in Greek mythology to illustrate the way that women are portrayed in Greek mythology. In particular, use these myths to compare heroines to heroes and gods to goddesses. How are heroines and goddesses in Greek mythology different from their male counterparts? How are they similar?


Here is the essay question for the SECOND UNIT EXAM:

In Women in Greek Myth Mary Lefkowitz asks the following question: "If, as I have tried to argue in the preceding chapters, Greek men were not afraid of Greek women, nor did they fail to give credit to women's accomplishments even in areas ordinarily reserved for men, such as politics, why at the same time did men, often with the cooperation of women, still remain wary of women in general, and continue to deprive them of full citizen rights? (Pg. 112). Use a representative number of Greek myths from the course to illustrate the points Lefkowitz makes in this question and use the question to analyze and interpret these Greek myths.  Do you agree or disagree with Lefkowitz? Why or why not?

Missing an exam is considered a serious lapse. Students who do not present an acceptable explanation IN ADVANCE of an examination or a valid medical excuse will be permitted to take a make-up, but will suffer a penalty of one letter grade. Each exam will be 15% of the final grade.