Lefkowitz, Chapter 10
Study Questions

1. Does Lefkowitz think that most women in ancient Greece wanted to be signaled out as exceptional? Why or why not?

2. Why does Lefkowitz think that Semonides' description of the woman as a bee is not as favorable as it seems? (pg. 123)

3.To what women in myth does Lefkowitz turn for examples of archetypes of good women? How do these two women compare to Semonides' bee woman?

4. What evidence suggests to Lefkowitz that Greek husbands and wives could actually love each other? (pp. 127-129)

5. What is the nomos keimemos which Lefkowitz mentions on pg. 129? What does this term mean and what does it suggest about married life in ancient Greece?

6. Mostly, in this chapter, Lefkowitz cites evidence from Greek tragedy and comedy? To what extent does evidence about "real" people in Hellenistic Greece and Rome confirm what we learn from Greek theatre about married life in the ancient world? (pp. 132-138).