Lefkowitz. Women in Greek Myth

Chapter 11 "Influential Women"

1. Under what circumstances and with what results does Lefkowitz believe that Greek women in myth and history took political action?

2. What women does Lefkowitz use to illustrate that ancient women could be courageous but not truly independent? Be sure to explain this woman's courageousness, ack of independence and conventionality (pp. 140-142).

3. What woman does Lefkowitz use to illustrate that ancient women could not take the law into their own hands? Explain this woman's situation and her response to it. What happens to her as a result? (pg. 143-144)

4. Explain how Lefkowitz believes that women in Greek comedy were like women in Greek epic and tragedy. (pp. 144-145)

5. Give three examples from Greek or Roman history which show women behaving with the same social limitations Lefkowitz observes in women in Greek myth. (pp. 145-152)