Lefkowitz, Chapter 9 "Women Without Men"
Study Questions

1. At what particular stages of life to Greek myths typically depict women?

2. What does Demeter's encounter with the girls at the well suggest about the lives of young Greek girls?

3. How does Lefkowitz suggest that Hades' abduction of Persephone in the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter" is a model of abduction of a girl by a god?

4. How does the poet of the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter" describe Persephone's reaction to her abduction?

5. How do the myths describe the relationships between women, especially in the absence of men? (pp. 111-112)

6. In what ways are the relationship between Demeter and Persephone emphasized in the Homeric Hymn?

7. How do grave inscriptions suggest that Greek women were remembered after their deaths? (pg. 113)

8. How does Greek poetry suggest that Greek women were remembered after their deaths? (pg. 114)

9. How does Lefkowitz suggest Greek women attain heroic status? (pg. 115-116)

10. What does Lefkowitz think Greek women talked about during religious festivals like the Thesmophoria  and the rites at Eleusis? (118-119).

11. Under what circumstances was celibacy an option for women in Greek myth? (pp. 120-121.