Course Description:
This course is primarily directed towards students desiring to meet the requirements for graduation under the foreign language component of the Language rubric. Elementary Latin can also fulfill partial requirements for a major in Latin or Classics.

The Monmouth College catalogue gives the following description of courses that meet the Language requirement:

          The creation and use of language is the most significant achievement of human beings, for our ability to organize our understanding in verbal symbols and to communicate sets us apart from all other life forms. The symbols of our language make communication possible at many different levels of meaning and allow us to translate our private experience into universal terms.... A sure understanding of language is the foundation of all knowledge, and the ability to use verbal symbols effectively is the most important of all skills.
          This component provides that every student have experience with a second language. The study of a foreign language allows students to see that their native language often reflects cultural needs and interests at the same time that it shares many basic patterns with other languages.

The aim of these courses is to learn basic reading and writing skills in Latin as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. At the end of two terms of Elementary Latin a student should know the fundamentals of Latin grammar, have a basic Latin vocabulary, and be able to read any Latin text with the help of a dictionary. Speaking and listening skills in Latin will be encouraged only in order to assist the development of reading and writing Latin. READING Latin is much more important than speaking or writing it.

Text for Latin 101/102


Kitchell and Sienkewicz. DISCE!

Fall: Vol 1; Spring: Vols. 1-2


6/12Month MyLatinLab access


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Class Goals and Format:
Class usually meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:00 A.M. until 8:50 A.M. in tWallace 114. Classes will meet on some Fridays in order to replace regular meetings the instructor cannot attend. Participants should not make commitments for other activities on Fridays 8-9 while this class is in session. There will be daily homework assignments. In addition, there may be a number supplementary readings in Latin and map work.

Advanced Latin students will be available on a regular basis for review and help. Please be sure to take advantage of their services.

Summary of Grading:
The goal is for all students to earn the best possible grade. The grading system is designed to give each student maximum control of the final grade earned. The focus of all assignments, quizzes and tests is not grading but learning.

There will be frequent quizzes. These quizzes, which can be either  announced or unannounced, will last 5-10 minutes. The average of these quizzes will count as one exam grade.
There will be several full-period exams (probationes) during the semester. Most of these probationes will be taken on-line in MyLatinLab. Others will be done on paper in class. The dates for all exams will be announced at least one week in advance. The average of your exam grades will count approximately 50% of your final grade.
Class participation and daily homework assignments (meditationes) will count as one exam grade. Most of this homework will be done on-line in MyLatinLab,, which allows you to redo assignment until you get a passing or even perfect grade. There is no reason, then, why anyone cannot earn an average of 100 on homework assignments. Occasionally paper worksheets will be assigned as homework. The average of your homework grades will count approsimately 50% of your final grade.
There is NO final exam for this course, but the class will meet as scheduled during the final exam period for various activities to be announced. Attendance is mandatory. The dates of these final exam meetings are:

FALL: Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012, 6:00-9:00 PM
SPRING: Saturday, May 4, 2013, 6:00-9:00 P.M.

This webpage was prepared by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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