Oral Reports on Projects

Some Guidelines:
1.) Your handout must include an abstract (revised, if necessary, according to instructor’s instructions), a bibliography and at least two relevant images, one for each sacred place you are discussing. (Color is better.) If you plan to discuss significant quotes in your presentation, include them on your handout as well. Be sure to give include the title of your project and your name on the handout. Handouts cannot be more than two-sides of a single sheet of paper. You must bring to the session enough handouts for everyone in the class.
2.) Your presentation should last no less than one| minute less than the assigned time and no more than one minute. (Time yourself carefully in advance.)
3.) In your presentation you will not simply read the abstract. Rather you should use the abstract to introduce your audience to your topic.
4.) Remember that your audience is already familiar with at least one sacred place you are discussing, so your presentation should introduce the other sacred place and compare it to the other, more familiar, one.
5.) Think about ways to present your material in an original and memorable way. It does not have to be a monotone presentation. Make it interesting! For example, you could enlist a second class member to help you in some way.
6.) If you are using a Powerpoint, please bring it on a flashdrive. You will NOT have time to download it from your email account.
7.) Do not read Powerpoint slides word for word. Your audience can read these slides for themselves. These slides should be used as talking points, not as performance scripts.
8.) Think about your audience. Don’t stare at a piece of paper or at the projection screen. Look at your audience and engage them with appropriate eye contact.
9.) Remember that the acoustics in the classroom are poor and that your instructor wears hearing aids. Speak clearly and project your voice to be heard in the back of the room, where your instructor will sit.
10.) Do not miss this session. There are no make-ups for this presentation.

Some observations about Powerpoint presentations:
A  Powerpoint should not be considered the presentation itself but rather as visual enhancement of the this presentation. Filling a Powerpoint screen with lots of text in small fonts is distracting and difficult to read. Powerpoint presentations in which people simply read exactly what is on the slide is somewhat insulting to an audience which can read for itself. Rather the Powerpoint should complement what the speaker has to say. So, the Powerpoint, should provide illustrations and perhaps occasional bullets which help a person understand your product more fully.

Additional advice about earning a good grade:
1.) Follow the instructions provided above.
2.) Make sure your handout looks professional.
3.) Make sure that your presentation accurately describes your project.
4.) Make sure your presentation is audible and comprehensible to your audience.
4.) Do try to make your presentation memorable and interesting.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at tjsienkewicz@monmouthcollege.edu.

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