Participants were Anna Dybis '99, Zina Lewis, '01, Emily MacArthur '99, Dana Streubel '99, William VanLeeuwen '99, Prof. James Betts of the Music Dept., and his spouse, Dr. Vicki Wine of Black Hawk College. Trip coordinator was Tom Sienkewicz.who took these photos. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact him at

Bill, Zina and Anna in front of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul
Dana and Emily in front of a MacDonald's (OH, NO!) in Istanbul
Street Restaurant in Istanbul
The Group at the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul with the Bosporus in background
The Group at the Gates of Troy
Anna Dybis at Troy
Bill VanLeeuwen at Temple of Trajan at Pergamon
A View of the Theatre at Pergamon
The Group Demonstrating Use of a Public Latrine at Ephesus
The Group Being Lectured at the Theatre in Ephesus
Anna Dybis at Ephesus
Anna Dybis on a camel at Ephesus
Emily MacArthur using an ancient gameboard at Ephesus
Group on Street at Ephesus

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