Welcome ICC and AMICI comites to the Quad Cities this October! Emil Kramer and I are looking forward to our conference and introducing you to what our fair cities have to offer.


The most important thing right now is to note that Stoney Creek Inn of Moline (101 18th Street) needs your room reservation by Sept. 19 for our conference rate, $85. Call 800-659-2220 and ask for Illinois Classical Conference rooms. They have even extended their usual timetable to accommodate us. If we need more rooms and you let me know before the deadline, I can make those arrangements. Of course, there are other motels that are less expensive and farther away from the river, if that suits your budget better. The Inn encourages you to stay over at the conference rate Sunday night and enjoy the holiday weekend in the Quad-Cities a little more. You can check the Web site for all the amenities at www.stoneycreekinn.com.


Then, you need to send me your registration form by Oct. 2 (earlier if you want the discount). I designed the registration form so that you mark what I need to know (choices and amounts owed), and can keep the sheet of information about entrees.


As you can see from page 2, there are activities you can enjoy before the board meeting and social hour begin Friday evening. If you sign up for options, I can arrange groups, transportation, and guides. Feel free to e-mail me about other options or with changes in your original registration. I will coordinate groups accordingly. If you prefer to explore on your own, I can help you with further suggestions and directions. Some of the museums close at 4:00, but other activities are possible. The social hour allows you to arrive at your own pace and have a place to converse. The conference suite will be available after the social hour, and includes a whirlpool (so dress accordingly).


Those who aren’t meeting on the ICC Advisory Board can meet at 5:30 at the registration table and find a group to find a restaurant with on their own.


The program has something for everyone, an enticing variety, and timely topics. In addition, Illinois classicists have an opportunity to meet with their Iowa neighbors.


The Stoney Creek Inn has an inviting interior, with comfortable rooms, porches in the lounge area, and an extensive recreation area. You can walk or bicycle along the river from the hotel. Moline’s refurbished historic district is within walking distance. On Saturday, we will be meeting in Augustana College’s historic Old Main.


If there is more I can help you with, please write me or call me at 309-972-5252.


For traveling directions, see here.


Te videbo mox!

Vicki Wine