Minutes of the Winter Meeting of the ICC Advisory Council held on Saturday, February 3, 2001, at 9:30AM at the coffee shop in DePaul University, 1 E. Jackson St., Chicago, IL.


Members present:  Jane Borelli, Marilyn Brusherd, Vicki Wine, Stephen Pilewski, Virginia Anderson, Judith Hayes, Raymond Heisler, Lois Dion, Alice Mulberry, Kathryn Spencer, Donald Sprague, Maureen Toner, and Edwin Ramos.


The meeting was called to order by President Jane Borelli at 9:30AM.


Secretary’s Report:  Copies of the minutes from the October, 2000 meetings were provided for those members who had not yet received the January, 2001 issue of the Augur.  Because of time constraints, the approval of these minutes was tabled until the members had the opportunity to review them.

     Stephen Pilewski and Lois Dion then addressed the issue of the Registered Agent.  Normally, the secretary is the ICC’s Registered Agent.  However, when the office changes hands, paperwork and filing fees ($5.00 to the state, $23.50 or more to Cook County, $53.00 if changing counties) are required.  Current rules indicate that the Registered Agent can be any member except that only an officer can complete the required Annual Report for the Secretary of State.  Lois Dion agreed to continue as Registered Agent for the time being, if the Advisory Council so wished.  The secretary recommended that her position be added to the Advisory Council in order that the membership be informed of this change.

     Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Kathryn Spencer, that Lois Dion continue as Registered Agent for the time being, that her position be added to the Advisory Council, that the secretary (or other officer) complete the Annual Reports, and that when Ms. Dion no longer wishes to be Registered Agent, that the Advisory Council can decide to let the position revert to the secretary or appoint another member.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Treasurer’s Report:  Donald Sprague reported that the treasury is in good shape with $1,018.55 and $3,063.93 being deposited in the New Trier Credit Union, a $5,000 CD (Calder Award funds) with Edens State Bank, a $2,500 CD with TCF Bank, and a $5,000 CD with Metro Bank.  The treasury also contains the funds for the Pedagogy Workshop, but some issues need to be resolved with the Pedagogy sponsors.


Auditing Committee Report:  Stephen Pilewski reported the audit was published on p. 12 of the January, 2001 issue of the Augur.  He reported that the accounts of the ICC were found to be in good order and commended Donald Sprague for his 16 years of service as treasurer.

     Discussion ensued for the need to draw up a budget that allocates an amount for each expense category including allotments of expenses for the ICC’s representatives to other organizations.

     Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Maureen Toner, that the Auditing Report be approved and that attention be given to formalizing a budget.  The motion passed.


Newsletter Editor’s Report:  Marilyn Brusherd reported that 130 copies of the Augur were mailed on 2/1/01, that the postage came to $124.24, and that Lois Dion submitted a bill from Stagg H.S. to the treasurer.  Currently the cost for paper (about 1 cent per page) and copying are being calculated and this bill will then be submitted for payment.


Illinois Latin Tournament:  President Borelli read the report from Henrietta Davis.  The sponsors need a current list of paid members so that teachers’ names can be checked on the registration forms.  All the awards are on hand, and the tests have been printed and returned by the IHSA.  District tests will occur on 3/10/01, and the state finals on 4/28/01, hosted by the Univ. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.  Monmouth College will host the finals next year.  The Tournament is in the process of transition to a new chairperson.


Awards:  The report from Lea Ann Osburn had not yet arrived, however, Donald Sprague commented that the winners of the Matres and Calder Awards would receive their awards.  Maureen Toner encouraged students to apply for Holy Cross College (Worcester, MA) scholarships and to contact the admissions office for information.  President Borelli suggested that scholarship information be forwarded to Marilyn Brusherd for inclusion in the Augur.  ILT Award committee members Donald Sprague and Stephen Pilewski reported that 3 engraved Paul Revere bowls had been ordered for Henrietta Davis, Judith Streid and Kathleen Giamalva for their many years of dedicated service to the ILT.  Discussion centered on a time and place for presenting the awards.  Judith Hayes suggested that a floral arrangement be added.  Donald Sprague added that Thomas Sienkewicz suggested that an endowment for certification for future Latin teachers be established and that this be initially funded by requests for $35.00.

     Donald Sprague moved, seconded by Lois Dion, that the ILT awards be given at the state finals on 4/28/01, and that such an endowment be created.  The motion passed by acclamation.


2000 Conference:  President Borelli reported that residuals from the conference had been completed.


2001 Conference:  Kathryn Spencer with assistance from Virginia Anderson reported that efforts were underway to coordinate ICC events with those of ICTFL during the conference to be held at the Wyndham Hotel, Itasca, IL (near the jct. of I-355 and I-290, just southwest of O’Hare Airport), Oct. 18-20.  A block of 180 rooms has been reserved with costs about $89 for a single.  Conference fees vary with the options selected ($49-$125).  ICTFL desires that the ICC’s program be incorporated with ICTFL’s program rather than the ICC mailing out its own program.  Speakers are being lined up.  Word was received from Lea Ann Osburn that she was interested in presenting a pre-conference workshop on oral Latin, depending on the availability of funds.  Discussion ensued on the timing of a Thursday workshop because a sufficient number of teachers may not be able to attend because they cannot get the day off, and this concern was followed by a number of ideas:

     a.  Maureen Toner suggested pursuing outside sources of funding from corporations as is done by the modern languages,

     b.  Alice Mulberry felt that attendance on Thursday may be a problem,

     c.  Judith Hayes offered for consideration 2 presenters:  John Donahue and Jim Chocoloa,

     d.  Jane Borelli recommended that Lea Ann Osburn talk to Judith Hayes about the presenters,

     e.  Donald Sprague suggested that the ICC apply for a grant from CAMWS to help meet expenses,

     f.  Kathryn Spencer reminded everyone that slots for presenters are allocated by ICTFL and any ICC speakers would have to be worked in, and,

     g.  Jane Borelli wondered if the ICC should opt out of Thursday (10/18) because of potential attendance problems and that the ICC keep to its traditional Friday arrival date.

     Discussion further ensued into whether the hotel could offer the ICC a conference rate for Saturday (10/20) night with ICC members departing on Sunday (10/21).  Discussion ended with a request from Donald Sprague that the secretary remind Lea Ann Osburn about the need for nominees for the Lt. Governor’s Award.


2002 Conference:  President Borelli announced the ICC had a generous offer from Monmouth College to host the convention on its traditional Columbus Day weekend.

     Vicki Wine moved, seconded by Kathryn Spencer, that the offer from Monmouth College to host the 2002 Conference be accepted.  The motion passed by acclamation.


Membership Report:  Vicki Wine reported 129 members which includes institutions, and that she was in the process of sending out reminders to persons who have not yet renewed.  She also passed out copies of CAMWS’s attractive brochure “Consider...Teaching Latin in the 21st Century” as something the ICC could use or develop something similar; and she reported that Alice Mulberry received an award from CAMWS for the Latin Olympics.


Latin Pedagogy Workshop:  Donald Sprague reported that the schedule for 2001 appears in the January, 2001 issue of the Augur, and that the ICC contributes $500/year for this endeavor with a contribution coming also from National Lewis University.  The workshop should be advocated for recertification credits.  Virginia Anderson pointed out that ICC professional meetings and conferences should also be included for recertification credits.  Marilyn Brusherd requested that these proposals be included when the information is sent to her.


Illinois Certamen League:  Maureen Toner reported that in its 10th year of existence, 30 schools are participating, and commented on the efforts that Judith Hayes, Lanetta Warrenburg and herself have put in to make the event a success.  Ms. Toner announced that at the end of the year she would resign as co-chair in order to allow a younger teacher the opportunity to get involved and that she would help with the transition.  Judith Hayes reminded everyone that hosting the event is the difficult part and teachers always need help with this.

     Discussion ensued as to whether the ICL is self-governing or under the umbrella of the ICC (i.e., ICC membership is required).  Jane Borelli understood that the ICL is self-governing, but the co-chairs felt that it was under the ICC.

     Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, that the first year membership in ICC for ICL members be free, but that membership in the ICC afterward would be required for ICL members.  The motion passed.

     Lois Dion moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, that the founders of ICL be commended for their hard work and efforts.  The motion passed.


Bylaws:  President Borelli felt that there was a need to revise the Bylaws which have been in effect since 10/88.  Donald Sprague recommended a need to add a mission statement which could be used later to apply for tax exempt status.  He pointed out that the proposed changes can be included in the August issue of the Augur and that revisions can be handled by e-mail.

     Marilyn Brusherd moved, seconded by Donald Sprague, that a subcommittee be established to revise the Bylaws, with proposed changes to appear in the August Augur, and with the vote occurring in October during the annual meeting.

     Discussion on the motion:  The consensus was that the subcommittee be comprised of Jane Borelli, Marilyn Brusherd, Stephen Pilewski and Donald Sprague, with input from all interested members.  Donald Sprague suggested not to dwell on minutiae but rather on changes that are logical and consistent with current functions.  Marilyn Brusherd said that she will publish the current Bylaws in the May Augur and invite comments.  Jane Borelli desired gender-neutral language in the Bylaws.

     The motion passed.

     Donald Sprague then moved, seconded by Marilyn Brusherd, that the subcommittee be comprised of Jane Borelli, Marilyn Brusherd and Stephen Pilewski.  The motion passed.  Later Stephen Pilewski asked that Donald Sprague join the subcommittee and he agreed to do so.


Other Business:  Lois Dion asked that college student members of the Senior Classical League be given some assistance to defray the expenses of attending the JCL conventions.  The number participating is 4-5 students.  Would funding be appropriate?

     Discussion:  Several members felt that doing so would show support for potential future Latin teachers.  Donald Sprague recommended that $25.00 be rebated on registration fees and that ICC membership be included at no cost for each SCL student who helps out at IJCL conventions.  It was additionally recommended that the combination be a honorarium that follows the student’s service to IJCL.

     Virginia Anderson moved, seconded by Kathryn Spencer, that an honorarium of a $25.00 rebate on IJCL registration fees and a year’s membership in ICC be provided to SCL students who assist at IJCL conventions.  The motion passed by acclamation.


There being no other business, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Donald Sprague, to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 11:45AM.


                                               Respectfully submitted,



                                               Stephen Pilewski
