Minutes of the Advisory Council Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Friday, Oct. 7, 2005, in Room 134 of Loyola Academy, Wilmette, Ill.

Members present: Elizabeth Skoryi, Lois Dion, Laurie Jolicoeur, James Chochola, Marilyn Brusherd, Vicki Wine, Alice Mulberry, Jennifer Draper, Mary Ann Beatty, William Napiwocki, Lanetta Warrenburg, Anna Dybis, Chester Tylinski, Rebecca Wick, William Lowe, Jay Mulberry, David Mathers, Michele Valerie Ronnick, and Stephen Pilewski.

Members present by proxy: Mary Lee Muniz, Virginia Anderson, Thomas Sienkewicz, and Rickie Crown.

With a quorum present (7 required) President Vicki Wine called the meeting to order at 5:25pm. President Wine welcomed all those present.

Secretary's Report: Stephen Pilewski reported that the minutes of the Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council held on 2/12/05 were published on the ICC website and in the May, 2005 issue of the Augur, pp. 7-9. Since there were no corrections to the minutes, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to approve the minutes of 2/12/05. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer's Report: Elizabeth Skoryi reviewed the 2005-2006 Budget Report, and discussion ensued on the amounts to be allocated for each line item for the 2006-2007 Budget, which becomes effective on 7/1/06. When the allocations were agreed upon, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, to approve the 2006-2007 Budget. The motion passed by acclamation. Elizabeth then presented the Annual Treasurer's Report, which outlined the status of each of the ICC's accounts, the ICC's assets and liabilities, and the organization's net worth. After some discussion, William Napiwocki moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur, to approve the Treasurer's Report. The motion passed by acclamation.

Newsletter Editor's Report: Marilyn Brusherd thanked everyone for responding to her call to submit articles to the Augur, and she expressed appreciation to Elizabeth Skoryi for her help in printing and mailing the Augur. The statistics for the Sept., 2005 issue were: 171 mailed, $141.79 for postage, and $193.92 for supplies.

Registered Agent: Lois Dion gave the Annual Report document from the Illinois Secretary of State along with a check for the annual filing fee ($5.00) from Elizabeth Skoryi to Stephen Pilewski, so that he might complete the document and mail it by the Nov. 1 deadline.

ICC Website: President Wine reported for Thomas Sienkewicz, who was attending an out-of-state classical event. She pointed out that Thomas has been adding new items to the website and she encouraged contributions for consideration to the website. The great advantage of the website is its ability to keep the membership apprised of current events. Ideas for the website should be sent to Thomas or to President Wine. Marilyn Brusherd suggested that dates of events should be sent to Thomas as soon as possible for posting, rather than relying solely on the Augur for publication.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper called attention to her report in the Augur (May, 2005, p. 22). The State Finals were held at Rockford College on 4/30/05 with over 200 students attending. She is seeking an invitation for a school to host the 2006 State Finals on the last Saturday in April. Jennifer reported that Syllabus II is in the collating stage, that she is trying to reinstate the Advisory Committee for ILT, and that she needs 2 writers for the Latin II and III Cicero tests.

IJCLN: The full report appeared in the Augur (May, 2005, pp. 22-24). Jennifer Draper then announced that the annual convention would be held at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Tinley Park, Feb. 23-25, 2006. Information will be sent out to participating schools. Jennifer also reported that over 100 students from Illinois competed at the National JCL convention at the Univ. of Missouri at Columbia. The banner for ICC is still in the works, but Jennifer needs help with digitizing the ICC logo for the banner. Members with such computer skills should contact her. Finally, Jennifer called for a motion to approve Christopher Condrad from Barrington High School as Junior State Chair for 2 years, commencing from 2/25/06. Lanetta Warrenburg so moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur. The motion passed by acclamation.

IJCLS: Mary Lee Muniz's report was published in the Augur (Sept., 2005, p. 20).

Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that current, paid membership stands at 116. She then proposed that assessing the $10.00 penalty for late payment of dues be moved from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1 because of the payment patterns of certain members. About 50 members are in arrears after Nov. 1. After some discussion, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by Anna Dybis, to move the penalty date from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1. The motion passed.

Auditing Committee: Anna Dybis reported that her examination of the ICC's financial records occurred on 10/6/05, and that everything was found to be in good order. Mary Ann Beatty then moved, seconded by Alice Mulberry, to approve the Auditing Report. The motion passed by acclamation.

Awards Committee: President Wine reviewed Thomas Sienkewicz's proposals (Augur, Sept., 2005, pp. 6-7) and the related problem of obtaining a composite list of who retired, when, and what type of recognition they received (bowl, certificate, or some other type of award). The proposals sparked an animated discussion of how retirees should be classified and awarded. Questions arose on retirees who are members but who do not attend ICC conferences or participate in ICC activities. William Napiwocki pointed out that it is important to establish criteria for the Lifetime Service Award, and recommended a certificate for one who is a member only, and a bowl for a member who provided service to the ICC. The general consensus favored the Awards Committee establishing the criteria, and then presenting the criteria to the Advisory Council for approval. Another topic discussed was the definition of "retirement" itself. Does it occur when one leaves his or her school, but continues to teach part-time? Does it occur when one leaves teaching altogether, but who is not retired? After some discussion, it was decided that any redefinition of "retirement" needed Thomas' presence for guidance with his proposals.

Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki had no additions to the necrology reported in the Augur (Jan., 2005, pp. 18-19 and May, 2005, p.9). He then asked if anyone present knew of any illnesses or deaths to report. None responded.

Teacher Idea Exchange: Anna Dybis reported on her activities. She is always interested in new ideas and will put them both on the website and in the Augur.

Pedagogy Workshop: Mary Ann Beatty reported that 6 presenters and 20 participants attended the July, 2005 workshop. She will continue to market the Pedagogy Workshop, and announced that $455 will be returned to the ICC. Some of the future goals starting in Feb.-Mar., 2006, will be a search for younger ICC members to work on planning the 2007 Pedagogy Workshop, with the anticipation that some of these younger members will take over the 2009 Pedagogy Workshop from Mary Ann Beatty and Rickie Crown. Mary Ann, along with Laurie Jolicoeur, will explore obtaining outside funding to help graduate students enroll in the workshop. James Chochola then volunteered to participate.

Resolutions Committee: James Chochola reported that the resolutions for the 2004 Conference appeared in the Augur (Jan., 2005, pp. 14-15), and that he is working on the 2005 resolutions. He asked that members keep him informed of persons and entities that should be recognized so that he does not omit anyone or any organization.

Liaison to Schools and Colleges: President Wine said that there was nothing to report.

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi and Lanetta Warrenburg pointed out that the results were published in the Augur (May, 2005, p. 25 and Sept., 2005, p.20), and reported on the latest activities, including the participation of 12 schools. Because of other commitments, Elisa Denja is seeking a replacement for herself. Answering a call for a Feb., 2006 Certamen venue, William Napiwocki offered Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary.

ICTFL/ACTFL: There was no additional report to those that appeared in the Augur (Jan., 2005, pp. 19-20 and May, 2005, p.15), but a heated discussion arose on ICC's relationship with ICTFL. Laurie Jolicoeur expressed concern with what benefits ICC derives from ICTFL. William Napiwocki felt that he was ignored as a committee member at ICTFL, but he still thought that ICC's participation was important in case something came up at ICTFL that affected Latin. Lanetta Warrenburg felt that the state interfaces with ICTFL more than with the ICC. Mary Ann Beatty thought that the ICC must take the initiative to contact the state for state standards for Latin. Lanetta Warrenburg cautioned that if the ICC does not work through ICTFL, then the ICC should be more aggressive in dealing with the state. Laurie Jolicoeur said that there were only so many conferences that a teacher could attend, and, if there were a choice of time and money, then ICTFL might lose out. Marilyn Brusherd thought that if the ICC pulls out of ICTFL, then the state will be forced to recognize the ICC to a greater degree. President Wine quelled the debate with a call for everyone to give thought to the ICC's options and course of action.

CAMWS: President Wine had nothing to add to the report in the Augur (May, 2005, p. 15).

ACL: James Chochola did not attend the June conference, but did point out that the ICC website had a photo of the attendees. Dawn McRoberts would probably give a report at tomorrow's Business Meeting. Alice Mulberry said that a good time was had by all.

APA/AIA: No report was received.

Virtual Latin: Lois Dion was saddened to report that enrollment has dropped to 11 in Latin I and 5 in Latin II. There are 3 teachers currently certified to teach online. A contributing factor was that grant money was eliminated from the program, resulting in some cutbacks.

Year of Languages: President Wine called attention to the proclamation that appeared in the registration folders and that registrants could emboss their proclamations with the ICC seal during the conference.

Local Chair: Alice Mulberry reported that 36 registered for this year's conference, and that she was grateful to the presiders and those who attended the conference. Rebecca Wick also welcomed everyone to the conference and to Loyola Academy.

Michele Valerie Ronnick: The featured speaker at the conference requested a resolution in honor of Truman Gibson, Jr., who at the age of 94 resides in Chicago. Mary Ann Beatty suggested that such a resolution should come during Black History Month. Discussion ensued, but there was no action taken.

2006 Conference: President Wine said that no invitations have been received, but possibilities exist with meeting with the Missouri classicists in the St. Louis area, perhaps around Edwardsville. Additional possibilities are meeting with ICTFL, or meeting with our Iowa counterparts in the Quad Cities area, or even in Iowa City, IA.

2007 Conference: President Wine said that it would be in the Chicago area. One place that members seemed to enjoy was the Cenacle at Loyola University.

New Business
New Latin Position: Laurie Jolicoeur and Anna Dybis reported on an opening to fill in for a maternity leave at Hinsdale H.S. Either should be contacted by anyone who is interested.

Latin Speech: Mary Ann Beatty reported on a Latin speech given by Caitlin Gillespie at Harvard University's Commencement on 6/9/05. Caitlin was student of Rickie Crown and Elisa Denja at Baker Demonstration School and was taught by Rebecca Wick, David Mathers and Michael Schulte at Loyola Academy. The DVD of the speech was shown in an adjacent room, and discussion followed as to its availability and possible interest by schools that offered Latin. One thought was that the ICC could have copies made and sell them as a fundraiser. No decision was reached, but the matter would be brought up at tomorrow's Business Meeting.

There being no other business, President Wine called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alice Mulberry so moved, seconded by Laurie Jolicoeur. The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski