URL: www.illinoisclassics.org

Highlights from the ICC Augur are posted on line at:  http://department.monm.edu/classics/icc/augurighlights2002winter.htm


The email address page will not be included in the Augur.  For space considerations and efficiency, the email addresses will be only be available through the ICC website.  Therefore, please send all email changes and inclusions to me not to the Augur editor.

The ICC page also includes address information for all officers and members of the advisory council as well as the e-mail addresses of all members.  Please check this information and the email information for accuracy.  If you wish not having such information available on the web, please let me know.

The ICC mailing list is maintained by Ray Heisler, ICC Treasurer.  No one else has the list so, please contact Ray if you cannot find the information you need on members on the website.