Minutes of the General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical

Conference held on Friday, Oct. 19, 2001, in the Radcliffe Room of the Wyndham Hotel, Itasca, Ill.

(Important note: Normally there are two business meetings held on successive days during ICC conferences. In order to conform to the ICTFL schedule, there was only one. Although the General Business Meeting was originally scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 20, 2001, at 3:50-4:50PM, it was moved to Friday, Oct. 19, 2001, during the Classics Luncheon in the interest of allowing attendees an earlier start for their trip home.)

The meeting was called to order by President Jane Borelli at 12:50PM.

Secretarys Report: Stephen Pilewski pointed out that, as mentioned in the agenda that President Borelli distributed, the minutes of previous meetings were published in the Augur as follows:

Date Meeting Issue

10/6/00 Advisory Council January, 2001

10/7/00 First Business Meeting January, 2001

10/8/00 Second Business Meeting January, 2001

2/3/01 Advisory Council May, 2001

Since the Advisory Council on 2/3/01 tabled approval of the October, 2000 minutes due to meeting time constraints, approval would be needed for the minutes of all 4 meetings. Judith Hayes moved, seconded by Elisa Denja, that the minutes of the previous 4 meetings be accepted as published. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurers Report: President Borelli read the treasurers report provided by Raymond Heisler, which summarized the ICC accounts as of 10/18/01:

Institution Amount

Old Second National Bank $12,059.01

American Metro CD 5,653.84

Edens Bank CD (Calder Endowment) 5,152.64

TCF Bank CD 2,650.98

New Trier Credit Union 1,034.69

Total $26,551.16

Newsletter Editors Report: Marilyn Brusherd thanked Lois Dion for her help and that of Lois school in getting the Augur printed and mailed. She

solicited news items of classical interest be forwarded to her by E-mail, but if this was not possible, then by regular mail. Thomas Sienkewicz recommended that Marilyn be thanked for all her work and effort in publishing the Augur. Thomas also reported that he is formulating a website for the ICC and was soliciting ideas for the website.

Illinois Latin Tournament: No report had arrived, however the common thought was that the ILT was in transition from co-chairs Henrietta Davis and Judith

Streid and ILT treasurer Kathleen Giamalva to Frank Raispis of St. Ignatius College Prep. When it was pointed out that the student awards would not be recognized this year because there would not be a Sunday brunch, Virginia Anderson questioned this break in tradition and felt that this recognition of student achievement be preserved. The discussion that followed agreed with Virginia, but somehow this problem had to be worked out on occasions when ICC meets with ICTFL and the program schedule differs from that of ICCÆs usual pattern.

Awards Committee: LeaAnn Osburn reported that Sherrilyn Martin was the recipient of the Lt. Governors Award for Exemplary Teaching. The recipient of the ICC Latin Teacher of the Year Award was a secret and would be revealed at the Awards Banquet.

2002 Conference: Thomas Sienkewicz offered to host the 2002 convention at Monmouth College, albeit with a slight change. Because the traditional Columbus Day weekend was also Monmouth Colleges homecoming weekend, the meeting dates for the ICC would have to be moved to the following weekend.

Nominating Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz reported that Kathryn Spencer had resigned from the vice presidency for health reasons, and that the Committee nominated Laurie Jolicoeur to replace her. There were no other nominations from the Committee and none from the floor. That being the case, Thomas moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, that the nominee be elected to office. The motion passed by acclamation.

Memorator Invocatorque: Alice Mulberry was happy to report that she had not received word of any deaths among the membership.

Membership Report/Teacher Exchange: Vicki Wine had not arrived as yet to give her report.

Liaison of Schools and Colleges: Thomas Sienkewicz solicited suggestions for increasing relationships between college professors and high school teachers. He spoke on the advantages of belonging to CAMWS because of the grants that were available.

CAMWS: Vicki Wine had not arrived as yet to give her report.

IJCL: Lanetta Warrenburg reported that the convention packets have been mailed out and invited the membership to attend the JCL convention workshop during the ICTFL/ICC convention. She stated that the IJCLN convention would be held Feb. 21-23, 2002, at the Tinley Park Holiday Inn Convention Center (same site as 2001), and she announced that Virginia Anderson would become the new IJCLN chair effective in Feb., 2002. Since there was a need for a new co-chair, an election was held using a paper ballot. Jennifer Schuler of Notre Dame High School for Boys, Niles, Ill. was elected to be the co-chair for IJCLN.

ICTFL: Virginia Anderson reported that ICTFL wants to preserve its relationship with the ICC, and she solicited ideas and recommendations for these joint meetings. Virginia pointed out that one advantage of joint meetings is the opportunity to receive credits for recertification, which might not be available at the smaller ICC meetings.

Illinois Certamen League: A few changes in officers were noted by Lanetta Warrenburg: Elisa Denja replaced Judith Hayes and Elizabeth Skoryi took over for Maureen Toner. Lanetta announced that copies of the ICL constitution and instructions for voting were available from her.

ACL: No report was received from Charles Speck.

APA/AIA: No report was received, but a question was raised as to who the current representative was. None of those present reported as having attended the most recent APA/AIA convention, so no information was given.

Other Business:

Pedagogy Workshop: Rickie Crown reported that the Workshop was in its 10th year, and that the next one would be held Jul. 10-13, 2002, at National-Louis University in Evanston, Ill. She pointed out that the program has attracted students from various states other than Illinois, although the interesting program that is being planned will also provide Illinois residents the opportunity to receive CPDU credits for recertification.

New M.A.T. in Secondary Education/Classics: Elisa Denja and Rickie Crown announced the new advanced degree which will be available at National-Louis University. They summarized the developments leading to its implementation, talked about the programÆs collaborative methodology approach, and stated that descriptive materials were available from them.

ILT State Final Exam: Thomas Sienkewicz announced that Monmouth College will be hosting the state finals on the last Saturday of April, 2002. As an added treat, Legion XIV will appear the day before (Friday). Thomas also asked that if anyone is interested in hosting Legion XIV, he or she should contact him.

Committee to Revise the Bylaws: President Borelli reported that copies of the Bylaws appeared in the May and Sept., 2001 issues of the Augur as well as on the ICCÆs webpage. She solicited ideas and suggestions from the membership that may be of use to the Committee.

Resolutions: Virginia Hellenga acknowledged the presenters and attendees at the ICTFL/ICC convention, but did not have the resolutions drawn up due to the switch in the dates and times for the General Business Meeting.

There being no other business, Alice Mulberry moved, seconded by Anna Dybis, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 1:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski

This material was posted on the web by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.