Minutes of the General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2004, in the Lucy Ellis Lounge of the Foreign Languages Building at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

With a quorum present (12 required) President Laurie Jolicoeur called the meeting to order at 8:35am and welcomed all for attending.

Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur as follows:

Date Meeting Issue Pages

10/10/03 Advisory Council January, 2004 13-14

10/11/03 First General Business January, 2004 11-13

10/12/03 Second General Business January, 2004 10-11

2/14/04 Advisory Council May, 2004 7-8

There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by Kathryn Spencer, to accept the minutes of the 4 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth Skoryi was pleased to report that all ICC accounts have been consolidated at Old Second National Bank and that her report is available for examination at the meeting and will be published in the Augur.

Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd especially thanked Elizabeth Skoryi and Lincoln Way High School for publishing the Augur, and she thanked all those who submitted articles and items of interest to her.

Webmaster’s Report: Thomas Sienkewicz asked everyone to note ICC’s website address (www.illinoisclassics.org) and invited everyone to visit the website for the latest information. He asked those present who needed CPDUs to complete the form in the conference folder and either give it to him during the conference or mail it to him afterwards. Thomas would then mail a yellow sheet with the CPDUs to the respondents.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Jennifer Draper reported that 23 schools including 3 homeschoolers participated this year, an increase from the previous year. Plans were underway to update the syllabi, survey schools, and look for a location for the 2005 finals.

Awards Committee: President Jolicoeur reported that Elisa Denja resigned and invited members who were interested in serving on this committee to contact her.

Nominating Committee: Thomas Sienkewicz announced the slate of officers for 2004-2006, which was approved at the previous day’s Advisory Council meeting:

President: Vicki Wine

Vice President: Alice Mulberry

Secretary: Stephen Pilewski

Treasurer: Elizabeth Skoryi.

President Jolicoeur then called for nominations from the floor. With none forthcoming, President Jolicoeur closed the floor to nominations and called for the motion. Thomas Sienkewicz moved, seconded by Lanetta Warrenburg, to accept the slate of nominees as elected. The motion passed by acclamation. Thomas then pointed out that he was the sole member of the committee and that he needed help. He therefore proposed that next year’s committee be comprised of the 2 immediate, previous, past presidents, plus one other person. There were no objections to this idea. (A motion was not necessary since the ICC Constitution, as revised 10/19/02, allows for flexibility in appointing committee members.)

Memorator Invocatorque: Alice Mulberry reported what had appeared in the Augur: the passing of Bernice Fox, 92, on 12/11/03; Grundy Steiner, 88, on 3/28/04; and Patrick Flaherty, 70, in 6/04. We owe all of them a debt of gratitude.

Membership Committee: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that the ICC comprises 125 paid members including 7 joint, 21 life, and 1 joint life. The paid institutions count is 8.

Teacher Idea Exchange: Anna Dybis announced that the Informal Gathering scheduled for 9:00am on Sunday in Room 1046 of the Foreign Languages Building was moved to 8:00am on Sunday in the 4th Floor Lounge of the Chancellor Hotel. She invited everyone to attend and to bring ideas.

CAMWS: Vicki Wine called attention to the CAMWS display in the hall and to next year’s annual convention in Madison, WI on Mar. 31 - Apr. 2, 2005. The close proximity to Illinois should entice members to come to learn about new theories and teaching techniques. Vicki reported on the various exciting activities that occurred in St. Louis in April, including the Special Service Award being presented to Stephen Pilewski and the ICC-MOCA joint luncheon. Vicki will publish more details in the Augur, but meanwhile encouraged everyone to access CAMWS’s website: www.camws.org.

IJCLN: Jennifer Draper announced that next year’s annual convention would return to the William Tell Holiday Inn in Countryside on Feb. 24-26, 2005. Jennifer will publish a report in the Augur when she has more details.

IJCLS: Mary Lee Muniz reported that this year’s convention would be held at Springfield H.S. on Nov. 20, 2004. If any teacher is interested in participating, he or she should see Mary for a packet of information.

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that 29 schools are participating and that the list is growing.

ACL: Thomas Sienkewicz, Lanetta Warrenburg and James Chochola attended last June’s convention and commented on the activities and the teaching tips. Thomas said that the June, 2005 convention will be held in Albuquerque, NM and he solicited presenters for this meeting. President Jolicoeur and Thomas then called for a new member to represent the ICC at ACL.

APA/AIA: Thomas Sienkewicz announced that APA will meet in Boston and he encouraged people from Illinois to attend.

ICTFL/ACTFL: President Jolicoeur announced that Virginia Anderson will be the representative. She also announced that the ICC will pay up to a maximum of $240 for up to 3 members who attend ACTFL (i.e., if 3 attend, then each will be paid up to $80). Members interested in attending ACTFL should contact her.

Virtual Latin: President Jolicoeur reported on Lois Dion’s growing success with cyber Latin. In fact, with 25 students enrolled, Lois needs help. The program is extremely flexible for retirees or part time teachers, and offers a new way to teach Latin and to reach students who might not be able to study Latin otherwise. Interested persons should contact President Jolicoeur or Lois.

2004 Conference: For making this conference possible President Jolicoeur extended a special thank you to the Classics Dept. of UIUC, Local Committee members Miriam Pittenger, Angeliki Tzanetou and Kirk Freudenburg, and finally to students Mitchell Nees, Loula Strolonga, Jennifer Thomas, Krisanna Lucken and Angela Kinney for their generous help.

2005 Conference: Loyola Academy in Wilmette will be the site of the ICC’s next conference with the exact dates to be announced, according to President Jolicoeur.

Latin Teacher Certification Committee: Problems in this area continue, President Jolicoeur reported. Some areas on the certification test cause the student to 1) read passages several paragraphs long with little or no vocabulary, and then correctly answer one question, or 2) answer questions on an improper balance of grammar. Concerned with insuring a fair test, President Jolicoeur spoke to the Board in Springfield on these and other concerns. Thomas Sienkewicz then added that a change was made in the timing of the test: students must pass it before they begin their student teaching.

National Latin Recruitment Week: President Jolicoeur encouraged teachers to talk to their students about pursuing a career as a Latin teacher. The event occurs Mar. 3-7, 2005.

Pedagogy Workshop: Both President Jolicoeur and Stephen Pilewski were unable to open the e-mail attachment containing this report. President Jolicoeur requested that this information be put on the ICC website for quicker access.

Announcements: Thomas Sienkewicz was pleased to announce that the exhibit featured at CAMWS in St. Louis entitled “12 Black Classicists: A Photograph Installation” by Michele Valerie Ronnick of Wayne State Univ. will be featured Oct. 11-29, 2004, at Monmouth College. On 10/14/04, Prof. Ronnick will deliver the lecture “Classica Africana: The Origins of Black Classicism” at the College. Thomas offered a brochure to anyone who was interested.

President Jolicoeur concluded the meeting by thanking everyone for attending this year’s conference, by hoping that the conference reinvigorated them, and by wishing everyone a safe trip home.

There being no further business, Jennifer Draper moved, seconded by Virginia Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 9:15am.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski