Minutes of the First General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007, in Room 530 of the Crown Center for the Humanities, Loyola University, Lake Shore Campus, Chicago, Ill. 60626.

Call to order: With a quorum present (10 required) President Alice Mulberry called the meeting to order at 2:30pm, welcomed all present for attending the 70th anniversary conference, and expressed appreciation to fellow members of the Local Committee, Edwin Menes, John Makowski, James Keenan, Brian Lavelle, Abigail Schmidt and Jay Mulberry for their help with the excellent arrangements.

Secretary’s Report: Stephen Pilewski listed the minutes of previous meetings that were published both on the ICC website and in the Augur as follows:
Date Meeting Issue Pages
10/06/06 Advisory Council January, 2007 9-11
10/07/06 First General Business January, 2007 11-12
10/08/06 Second General Business January, 2007 12-13
2/03/07 Advisory Council May, 2007 7-9
There being no corrections to the minutes from the membership, Lanetta Warrenburg moved, seconded by Victoria Henderson, to accept the minutes of the 4 previous meetings as published. The motion passed by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that ICC finances were in good standing and that the Treasurer’s Report will appear in the Augur but not on the ICC website

Local Committee: Edwin Menes summarized the arrangements and updated the latest counts: 67 registered for the conference, 52 for tonight’s banquet, and 25 for tomorrow’s luncheon. President Mulberry along with Elizabeth Skoryi commended Edwin Menes, the rest of the Tetrarchs (John Makowski, James Keenan and Brian Lavelle), Abigail Schmidt and Jay Mulberry for their hard efforts to insure the success of the conference. President Mulberry again thanked Edwin Menes for the wonderful accommodations.

Book Exhibit: Brian Tibbets was pleased to announce that conference attendees may take as many books as they wished from the book display. He asked, however, that attendees respect the previous choices (books with conference attendees’ names already on them). President Mulberry thanked Brian for organizing the book display.

Newsletter Editor’s Report: Marilyn Brusherd solicited items for the Augur, such as reviews of books, textbooks and workbooks. The reviews need not be extensive, but should include information that would be helpful to teachers. Marilyn thanked Elizabeth Skoryi for all her help with printing and mailing, which for the September issue alone was 165 copies at a cost of $186.96 in postage. President Mulberry thanked Marilyn for her hard work on the Augur.

Registered Agent: Lois Dion said that the Illinois Secretary of State’s report was handed over to the Secretary for completion and submission to the State with the required fee, as required by state law.

ICC Website: On behalf of Thomas Sienkewicz, President Mulberry solicited items appropriate for the website, including suggestions for improvement.

Illinois Latin Tournament: Reporting for Jennifer Draper, President Mulberry reiterated what Jennifer reported at yesterday’s Advisory Council Meeting. She pointed out that Jennifer is still in need of a host school for the State Finals on 4/26/08.

Auditing Committee: President Mulberry said that the audit was completed but the report was not yet received.

Membership Committee: Updating yesterday’s figures, Elizabeth Skoryi was pleased to report an increase in membership from 106 to 110. Elizabeth was trying to promote a free membership for one student who attended ICC on behalf of his or her school.

Awards Committee: Virginia Anderson said that the awards will be presented at tonight’s banquet. She then solicited nominations for Illinois Teacher of the Year, and that nominators should let Thomas Sienkewicz know their choices. Virginia will try to develop a nomination form for this purpose. President Mulberry added that Thomas was also soliciting applications for the Matres and Calder Awards.

Memorator Invocatorque: William Napiwocki reiterated his necrology report from yesterday’s Advisory Council Meeting. Updates will appear in the Augur.

Teacher Idea Exchange: Marilyn Brusherd and Vicki Wine called attention to the materials that were available for purchase in the Book Exchange area. The monies will go toward scholarships for the Pedagogy Workshop. President Mulberry thanked Marilyn and Vicki for their efforts.

Pedagogy Workshop: Elisa Denja announced that the Jul. 7-10, 2008 Workshop schedule was available on the table in the back of the room.

Liaison to Schools and Colleges: President Mulberry said that she was looking to fill this position and may address this opening further at tomorrow’s meeting.

Resolutions Committee: President Mulberry announced that Jennifer Jordt would replace James Chochola, and she thanked James for his efforts on this committee.

IJCLN: Victoria Henderson said that the convention packets would be available at today’s JCL Meeting at 5:00pm. At the conclusion of the Feb. 21-23, 2008 event, Christopher Condrad will take over Victoria’s position, and Erin Flynn will assume Christopher’s current position.

IJCLS: President Mulberry, reporting for Mary Lee Muniz, said that the convention will take place on 11/17/07 at Springfield H.S.

Illinois Certamen League: Elizabeth Skoryi and Lanetta Warrenburg updated everyone on the latest efforts of the League. The year’s first Certamen will be held on 10/30/07. Maureen Toner added that this year marks 16 years since the League was formed in 1991.

ICTFL/ACTFL: Virginia Anderson called attention to her reports in the Augur (Jan., 2007, p. 16; May, 2007, p. 12), and that this year ICTFL will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. The ICC was one of the first constituents to sign up with ICTFL, so it enjoys a special status with ICTFL.

CAMWS: Vicki Wine announced that she is collecting forms for the CPDUs and conference evaluation. She called attention to her report in the Augur (May, 2007, pp. 11-12), and said that she has information on the forms for the various grants that CAMWS awards. This information and forms are also available on the CAMWS website. The next convention will be in Tucson, AZ, Apr. 16-19, 2008. Vicki invited new memberships and requested current members to renew their memberships.

ACL: James Chochola reported that he attended the Annual Institute in Nashville, TN in June, 2007. He said that the 2008 meeting will be in New Hampshire, and the 2009 meeting, in California. James solicited ideas for what the National Council for the Promotion of Latin and Greek can do for the individual states.

APA/AIA: Reporting for Thomas Sienkewicz, President Mulberry summarized the Joint Annual Meeting to be held in Chicago on Jan. 3-6, 2008.

2008 Conference: Emil Kramer and Vicki Wine reported that the Conference will be in the Quad Cities area, most likely at Augustana College in Rock Island and the hotel in Moline. They are still working on the details and hope to retain the Columbus Day weekend. The choice hotel overlooks the Mississippi River. President Mulberry thanked Emil and Vicki for inviting the ICC.

2009 Conference: President Mulberry announced that the Classics Dept. of Northwestern University in Evanston will host the ICC convention.

Harvard Commencement Speech: Elizabeth Skoryi reported that 72 DVDs were still available. Conference attendees who wished to purchase them would save shipping costs.

Banner: President Mulberry briefed the membership on Jennifer Draper’s latest efforts and on the Advisory Council’s action to amend the cost estimate from $100 to $175.

Database of Colleges and Universities offering Latin and Greek: President Mulberry had no updates for this meeting.

ListServe: James Chochola solicited new members as well as new materials for this online endeavor.

Upcoming Events: JoAnn Polito invited everyone to the Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers convention in Appleton on Nov. 1-3, 2007.

Teacher Vacancies: Donald Sprague spoke of the need for an occasional teacher of classical studies at Kennedy-King College.

Trip to Indianapolis Art Museum: President Mulberry repeated the invitation from yesterday’s Advisory Council Meeting.

New Business:
1. Virginia Hellenga requested attention to 2 issues:
a. Can the Local Committee provide a map to the conference site with the registration materials? Having a map would make finding the location easier for out-of-towners. Some members voiced concern that online maps, such as Map Quest, were not always accurate and this led to confusion and delays in getting to this year’s convention site.
b. Submissions to the Bernice Fox Writing Contest show great promise, but, unfortunately, many are marred by spelling and grammatical errors. Can the sponsoring teachers proof their students’ writing before sending them in?
2. Elizabeth Skoryi reminded members to remit their membership dues. If members are in doubt as to whether they paid their dues, they can always e-mail Elizabeth Skoryi and request their status.

Adjournment: There being no further business, President Mulberry called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lanetta Warrenburg so moved, seconded by James Chochola. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 3:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen Pilewski