Minutes of the Second General Business Meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference held on Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009, at the Globe Cafe Restaurant in the Orrington Hotel, 1710 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Ill.


Call to order:  With a quorum present (11 required) President Emil Kramer called the meeting to order at 1:45pm.


Resolutions:  Since Jennifer Jordt was unable to attend the conference, the consensus was that the Resolutions would probably be e-mailed to President Kramer.


2010 Conference:  Becki Wick reiterated what was said at Friday’s Advisory Council meeting:  efforts are underway to secure a location, but no definite place has emerged yet.


2010 Winter Meeting of the Advisory Council:  Notwithstanding the Secretary’s simple joy of riding to and from the 2009 Winter Meeting on Metra BNSF commuter trains that sliced through a snowstorm while running on the advertised, discussion was immediate and forceful about avoiding winter storms in the future, and finding a location that would be convenient for Chicagoland and downstate members, and which would be accessible by public transportation and by car.  After some discussion, Marilyn Brusherd agreed to explore the Aurora (Metra BNSF) and Naperville (Metra BNSF, Amtrak) areas, and James Chochola offered to explore Geneva (Metra UP West Line) for possible locations.  President Kramer called for moving the meeting to March with the hope of avoiding another snowstorm.  After more discussion, the meeting date was tentatively set for Saturday, Mar. 6, at a place to be announced.


2009 Conference:  Judith Hayes reported that 56 registered for this year’s conference.


Book Exchange:  Marilyn Brusherd was pleased to report that $161 ($81 for the books and $80 for the journals) were earned from this popular display.


Illinois Latin Tournament:  No report was received from Jennifer Draper.


Nominating Committee:  Alice Mulberry led a discussion on beginning the search for a Vice-President or Co-Vice-Presidents, and ultimately President or Co-Presidents.  Several possible candidates were mentioned and further exploration would be necessary.


Augur Directory/ICC Weblist:  Stephen Pilewski pointed out that although the Local Committee’s chair is part of the Advisory Council and has voting privileges, he has not listed the name in the Augur Directory and ICC Weblist because he is often not made aware of who exactly is the chair until the Fall Advisory Council meeting.  Normally, the members of the Local Committee are recognized in conference programs, in the Resolutions, and often in the minutes.  Stephen inquired if he should continue with this practice or if the Advisory Council desired a different approach.  After some discussion, the consensus was that Stephen should continue with his current practice as being the best solution.


Membership Committee:  Recognizing that Elizabeth Skoryi is the sole member of this committee, the Advisory Council discussed ways of beefing up this committee with the view of increasing the ICC’s membership.  Judith Hayes suggested inviting non-attendees to ICC conferences.


ListServe:  James Chochola wished to change the format of material sent to ListServe.  Instead of Word or PDF format as he stated at yesterday’s meeting, James called for submissions to be in RTF format, which is more universal.


Closing Remarks:  President Kramer thanked all for their hard work in all their endeavors and for ensuring the success of the 2009 Conference.  He also especially thanked Judith Hayes for stepping up to the plate for the Local Committee when Francesca Tataranni had to return to Italy.  Finally, President Kramer thanked all for coming and wished everyone a safe trip home.


Adjournment:  There being no further business, President Kramer called for a motion to adjourn.  Elisa Denja so moved, seconded by James Chochola.  The motion passed by acclamation, and the meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.


                                              Respectfully submitted,



                                              Stephen Pilewski
