2006 Annual Meeting

Springfield, Illinois


Registration Form



Name _______________________________________________________________



School or business _____________________________________________________



Mailing Address _______________________________________________________




                        (City)                                                 (State)                            (Zip)



Telephone (Home) ____________________________ (Work) ____________________



Email address ___________________________________________________________



PAYMENTS                                                                            Amount


Registration Fee ($50. per person)…..…………………………………………..________


New Member Registration($25. per person)…………………………………….________


Student Registration($25. per person) …...………………………….…………..________   


Saturday  buffet luncheon  ($18.50. per person)…………………………………________


Saturday banquet……………………..………………………………………….________

(      )Chicken ($31.per person)    (    )Pasta Provencal, vegetarian ($31. per person)

(      ) Beef      ($38.per person)    (   ) Salmon  ($34. per person)


Sunday buffet lunch ($18. per person)…..……………………………………….________


Sunday visit to Lincoln Museum  at 2:15 P.M. ($5.50.per person)….…………..________


TOTAL  ENCLOSED (Please make check or money order payable to

             Illinois Classical Conference.)                                                                  ________            


N.B. Registration forms and payments should be sent by 23 September 2006 to:


                        Mrs. Jay F. Mulberry

                        5542 South Blackstone Avenue

                        Chicago, IL 60637-1854.