Materials Useful for Promoting Latin

For a short description, click on each item. Single copies of print-based materials are available free of charge to all individuals. To obtain print copies or for further information please contact Prof. Tom Sienkewicz, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois 61462. (309) 457-2371

Available in Print
CAMWS / "Classica Africana" / "The Classical Languages and College Admissions"  / "Consider...Teaching Latin in the 21st Century" / "The First Three African American Members of the APA"  / "Latina Resurgens" / "Latin for Students with Learning Disabilities" / "The Latin Teacher Shortage: A Call to Action""Latin. Try it-You'll Like It!"Minority Scholarships in the Classics /   "Reflections of a Casual Classicist" "I Want You to Become a Latin Teacher" / Latin: More Than Just a Language

Available here in electronic form
ACL Survey of Classical Languages and College Admissions /"The Art of Reading Latin" / "Breathing New Life into a Dead Language: Teaching Latin On-Line" / "Bring Back Caesar's Tongue" / CAMWS  / Campus Somniorum / Classica Hispania  / "Continuing Importance of Learning Ancient Languages" / "Consider...Teaching Latin in the 21st Century" / EAMUS CATULI! / Fabellae Lusoriae / Famous Classics Majors Grex Latine Loquentium /
Inner-City Latin Programs Raise Reading Scores / Knowing Latin Could Save Your Life  / Latin Advantages / Latin Derivatives in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution / Latin: The Basic Language / Latin: So What's In It for You? / "Liberal Arts Grads Finally Make the Grade" / The Practical Benefits of Studying Latin The Role of Latin in American Education (Original Version) / Role of Latin in American Education (Revised for Classical Outlook) / Standards for Classical Language Learning / Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century / Teaching Latin to Elementary School Students: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource / 12 Black Classicists / "Why Latin?" by Nicolas Humez" / "Why Your Kids Should Learn Latin"

This poster describes the Classical Association of the Middle West and South and its activities, including awards and scholarships, conferences and publications, and services and support. Also available here in electronic form.

"Classica Africana"
"Classica Africana: The Influence of Classical Studies on People of African Descent."
This pamphlet by
Michele Valerie Ronnick of Wayne State University in Detroit was originally printed by the National Committee for Latin and Greek. It is available here in electronic form or in print form from the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin. Also available in .pdf format on the website of the National Committee for Latin and Greek.

"The Classical Languages and College Admissions"
This article by Richard A. LaFleur of the University of Georgia was originally published in The Classical Outlook 68 (1991) 124-132. It  provides information about the policies and attitudes of college admissions officials towards applicants who have studied the classical languages and is a useful response to high school counselors who tell students that colleges do not accept Latin for foreign language credit. For some highlights of this survey on the internet see ACL Survey of Classical Languages and College Admissions.

"Consider...Teaching Latin in the 21st Century"
This attractive color brochure, designed for CPL by Prof. Richard A.LaFleur of the University of Georgia, contains sections entitled "Why Teach...Latin?", "Career Opportunities," "Certification", "Scholarships", and "Finding a Job". Also available as a poster. Note: These materials are also available in electronic form below.

“The First Three African American Members of the APA”  by Michele Ronnick of Wayne State University. The brochure describes the remarkable careers of three scholars who joined the society soon after its inception in 1869: Richard Theodore Greener (1844-1922); Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912); and William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926). Their lives are interesting in themselves and shed light on the heated debates over the education of newly freed slaves in the late 1800’s.

"I Want YOU to Become a Latin Teacher!"
This poster, modeled on an Uncle Sam Army recruitment poster, was designed for National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week  It depicts a togaed Tom Sienkewicz pointing at the viewer and saying "I Want YOU to Become  Latin Teacher!" For more information see, this Monmouth College press release. Also available here in electronic form.

"Knowing Latin Could Save Your Life"
One of an
ongoing series of interviews on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday with A.J. Jacobs (see, a senior editor at Esquire magazine, who is on a quest to become the smartest guy in the world. In his efforts to improve himself, he's attempting to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z. When he's finished, Jacobs plans to share his newfound knowledge in a forthcoming book, The Know It All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Guy in the World. Jacobs says he might even challenge a Nobel laureate to a game of Trivial Pursuit. In this interview (aired March 29, 2003) Jacobs explains how a knowledge of Latin saved the life of playwright Ben Johnson.: Knowing Latin Could Save Your Life.

"Latina Resurgens"
"Latina Resurgens: Classical Language Enrollments in American Schools and Colleges" by Richard A. LaFleur." This article, which originally appeared in The Classical Outlook 74 (1997) 125-130, includes useful annual statistics on the National Latin Exam, the Advanced Placement Latin Exams, etc.

"Latin for Students with Learning Disabilities"
CPL has produced a flyer entitled "Latin for Students with Learning Disabilities" based upon a presentation by Barbara Hill, Coordinator of the Latin Program at the Department of Classics of the University of Colorado at Bolder. The flyer includes eight reasons why Latin is a good choice for LD students, describes the organizational characteristics of an ideal Latin class and one appropriate for students with learning disabilities, and provides a bibliography. Click here for a pdf copy.

Latin: More than Just a Language
The National Committee for Latin and Greek in cooperation with the American Classical League recently printed 35,000 copies of a color brochure to encourage the study of Latin in secondary schools.  “Latin: More than Just a Language” is an American version of a brochure produced several years ago by the Joint Association of Classical Teachers in Britain.  Virginia Barrett and Tom Sienkewicz revised the text and photos.  About 3000 copies were distributed gratis to teachers at ACL Institute in June and 1000 complimentary copies sent to each of the NCLG’s sponsoring member associations.  The brochures are suitable for distribution to students, parents, school boards, or school administrators. the six panel brochure also available electonically at : The purpose of the brochure is to encourage students in secondary schools to study Latin language and Roman culture. The brochure provides reasons for the study of Latin: that it is a major source of English and the Romance languages; provides direct access to some of the finest literature and art; brings students into the mainstream of their own culture; and helps prepare students for college admissions and interesting careers.  Former Latin students and celebrities like Coach Joe Paterno and comedian Teller testify to the value of studying the subject. The brochure has photos of Roman architecture, technology, and JCL students in togas. Sets of brochures up to 100 per teacher may be ordered from the ACL’s Teaching Materials Resource Center for $5 flat rate per order for shipping and handling: Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 or phone (513) 529-7741. Classical organizations needing more copies may order in bulk from Virginia Barrett for $100 per 1000 brochures. Send your check, payable to the NCLG, to 11371 Matinicus Court, Cypress, CA 90630. Allow three weeks for delivery. Please indicate where and to whom the brochures should be mailed.  We hope that teachers will use them to build and maintain their Latin programs and membership in JCL clubs.  

"The Latin Teacher Shortage: A Call to Action"
A collection of five papers read at the 2000 annual meeting of CAMWS in Knoxville, Tennessee, and edited by Prof. Kenneth Kitchell of the University of Massachusetts for publication in The Classical Outlook 78 (2000) 1-19. Includes "Is There a Shortage of Latin Teachers" by Peter N. Howard of Troy State University, "A Bird in the Hand is Indeed Worth Two in the Bush" by Cathy P. Daugherty of Hanover Co. Public Schools in Virginia, "Latin Teachers and Current Trends in Education" by Daniel Tompkins of Temple University, "Putting Classicists in the K-12 Classroom: The Role of the APA" by Adam D. Blistein of the American Philological Association, and "The Latin Teacher Shortage--A Call to Action" by Kenneth Kitchell.

"Latin. Try it-You'll Like It!"
CPL has produced a flyer entitled "Latin. Try it-You'll Like It!" which includes data from the 2004 SAT test and the preamble to the U.S. Constitution with English words derived from Latin printed in boldface. Also available here in electronic form.

Minority Scholarships in the Classics
This brochure describes the scholarship sponsored by the American Philological Association (APA) to encourage talented members of minority groups to pursue a career in the Classics. Since 1994 the APA has awarded one $3000.00 award each year, which the recipient uses towards summer study or research, either in the United States or abroad.

"Reflections of a Casual Classicist"
The Classical Assn. of Minnesota website offers a splendid essay entitled "Reflections of a Casual Classicist" (also known as "Eight Reasons to Study Latin") by Bruce Johnson, former Minnesota Commissioner of the Department of Children, Families and Learning. This essay was originally presented at the CAM meeting of November 2, 1996. This essay is available here in electronic form or in print form from CPL.

The following materials are available in electronic form.
For a short description and a link, click on each item:

ACL Survey of Classical Languages and College Admissions
ACL Survey of Classical Languages and College Admissions. This website provides the highlights of a survey conducted by Richard LaFleur of the University of Georgia in 1991 and published in The Classical Outlook 68 [1991]: 124-32; “Foreign Language, the Classics, and College Admissions,” ADFL Bulletin 24.3 [1993]: 29-35. For information on how to obtain the entire survey in print form click here.

"The Art of Reading Latin"
"The Art of Reading Latin: How to Teach It," by William Gardner Hale, professor of Latin in Cornell University. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1887. AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE ASSOCIATED ACADEMIC PRINCIPALS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 28, 1886. This speech was placed on the web by Anne Mahoney of the Classics Department at Boston University.

"Breathing New Life into a Dead Language: Teaching Latin Online,"  by Sue Shelton in THE Journal (March 2000) 64-66. THE = Technological Horizons in Education. Available at A subscription to the hardcopy of the journal is free for educators. Contact them through their web site.

"Bring Back Caesar's Tongue"
From "Bring Back Caesar's Tongue," an article published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on October 13, 1999, Katherine Kersten, director of the Center of the American Experiment in Minneapolis, says the following: Why should we study Latin? In Kopff's memorable phrase, "studying the ancient tongues allows us to hear our ancestors talking and thinking." Perhaps at the dawn of the new millennium, we couldn't spend our time more profitably. Kersten is quoting from E. Christian Kopff's "The Devil Knows Latin: Why America Needs the Classical Tradition." 

This poster describes the Classical Association of the Middle West and South and its activities, including awards and scholarships, conferences and publications, and services and support.

Campus Somniorum
A Salutatory Address in Latin by Caitlin Cecilia Gilespie '05 of Harvard University on June 9, 2005. Published by Harvard Magazine. Includes an English translation. Available at

Classica Hispania: The Influence of Classical Studies on People of Hispanic Descent by Michelle Ronnick of Wayne State University.
Provides a list of Spanish-speakers who have made a significant contribution to Classical studies. Included are people like Don Enrique de Villena (1384-1434) made the first translation of Vergil's Aeneid into a vernacular language and Antonio de Nebrija, (c. 1441-1522) a brilliant humanist, wrote the best Latin/Spanish and Spanish/Latin dictionaries of their time. He also wrote a Latin grammar entitled Introductiones Latinae.  Available in electronic form or in printable .pdf format on the website of the National Committee for Latin and Greek.

"The Continuing Importance of Learning Ancient Languages"
This paper was written in 1998 by Anna Tagliabue for a high school English class in Houston, Texas. She has graciously given CPL to make it available here.

"Consider...Teaching Latin in the 21st Century"
This attractive color brochure, designed for CPL by Prof. Richard A.LaFleur of the University of Georgia, contains sections entitled "Why Teach...Latin?", "Career Opportunities," "Certification", "Scholarships", and "Finding a Job". Also available as a poster. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To obtain this software, please click here. 
Click for Brochure or Poster.
(Note: Print copies are also available from CPL.)

Chicago Cubs baseball fans show their loyalty in Latin. Click here.

Fabellae Lusoriae
These Latin skits (with Latin translations) were written by John Kevin Newman, Professor of Latin, University of Illinois. They were performed at the 1999 meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference by Frances' Newman's Latin students at University High School. CPL is grateful to Prof. Newman for his permission to make them available here to a wider audience.

Famous Classics Majors
This poster displays the photographs of about twenty famous people who studied Classics in college, including Ted Turner, Willa Cather, and J.K. Rowling. It was designed by Rick LaFleur at the University of Georgia. It is in .pdf format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to open. Click here to open.

Grex Latine Loquentium
 The Grex Latine Loquentium, where everything is in the Latin language, is essentially an ephemeral exchange of communications on a wide variety of topics using Latin, to which one can subscribe by sending a message to, or by the simple message SUBSCRIBE to

Inner-City Latin Programs Raise Reading Scores by Martha G. Abbott and Virginia M. Barrett.
Click here for a brief summary  federally funded, Latin-based programs (1970s to 1980s) which significantly improved scores of students of all ethnic backgrounds on standardized tests of English reading skills, as compared with control groups. Test results showed dramatic improvement in vocabulary, comprehension, and reading skills. See also Teaching Latin to Elementary School Students: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource.

Latin Derivatives in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution
Click here for a document in which all the words in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution derived from Latin are highlighted to demonstrate the influence of Latin on the English language.

"Latin for the Millennium"
The National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG) has developed a promotional packet entitled "Latin for the Millennium, a Publicity Packet for Teachers" which is available from the Teaching Materials Resources Center of the American Classical League. For a more detailed description of this material and ordering information, please click here.

Latin: The Basic Language
Originally published in the THE FORUM edited by AUSTIN M. LASHBROOK in The Classical Journal. (Vol 64., no. 4. January 1969. Pages 162 – 166), this material consists of endorsements for the study of Latin by famous Americans of the 1960's, including Richard Nixon, Edward Kennedy, and Nelson Rockefellar. Click here.

"Liberal Arts Grads Finally Make the Grade"
"Liberal Arts Grads Finally Make the Grade with Firms," an article by Richard T. Cooper in the Los Angeles Times on October 5, 1999. Click here are a few quotes from the article. 

"Look Who Studied the Classics"
This poster, designed by Rick LaFleur at the University of Georgia, depicts photographs of famous people like Ted Turner, Willa Cather, William Cohen, and James Baker, who have studied Classics. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To obtain this software, please click here.
Click here for the POSTER

Standards for Classical Language Learning
The National Standards written as a collaborative project of the American Classical League, the American Philological Association and various regional classical associations (including CAMWS) are published here with the permission of Sheila Dickison, President of the American Classical League.  Note: This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To obtain this software, please click here.

Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century
The national standards written under the auspices of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) are available here.
Note: This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To obtain this software, please click here.

Teaching Latin to Elementary School Students: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource.  Click here for an annotated list of teaching resources which accompanies Inner-City Latin Programs Raise Reading Scores by Martha G. Abbott and Virginia M. Barrett.

Twelve Black Classicists
ebsite, funded by the Wright-Hayre Fund at The Philadelphia Foundation, Philadelphia, Penn., is intended to accompany the traveling photographic installation created by Dr. Michele Ronnick of Wayne State University.

"Latin Advantages"
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, which distributes the Artes Latinae series, maintains an excellent website entitled "Why Latin?" with new articles and materials on the study of Latin added on a regular basis. Includes SAT score statistics and a speech by Pope John Paul II. Click here to access "Why Latin?"

"Why Latin? by Nicholas Humez"
"Why Latin?" by Nicholas Humez, author of books like Latin Pro Populo and Alpha to Omega, is available at This delightful essay answers questions like: Why Newton chose to write and to publish sections of his Opticks in Latin? How Latin came to be and remained the common tongue of European scholars up to the nineteenth century? Includes maps and illustrations.

"Why Your Kids Should Learn Latin"
"Why Your Kids Should Learn Latin" An excellent resource for Latin teachers on the website!

For additional materials check out The National Committee for Latin and Greek.

NOTE: This website is maintained by CPL Chair, Tom Sienkewicz, at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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