Call for Bids
to Host the 82nd Annual
Eta Sigma Phi Convention


Active Chapters of Eta Sigma Phi are invited to submit bids to host the 82nd Annual National Convention in 2010.  These bids will be reviewed by a committee at the 2009 convention in Memphis, Tennessee (March 27-29, 2009). The 2010 convention site will be chosen by the membership at the 2009 convention. At least one active member of the chapter submitting a bid must attend the 2009 convention. 


The convention begins with a reception on a Friday evening and ends at noon on Sunday with a final business session. There will be talks by students, reports on chapter activities, scholarly lectures, a cert amen, a banquet and time for socializing. The host chapter will be responsible for:

·         selecting a hotel

·         designing a convention t-shirt or other appropriate souvenir

·         arranging for the Friday reception

·         preparing  a welcome packet and registration materials, including a program

·         staffing the registration desk

·         arranging for transportation between the hotel and the campus (if necessary)

·         supplying facilities (and A/V equipment, when necessary) on campus for the Saturday morning meeting

·         providing lunch on Saturday and brunch on Sunday

·         organizing appropriate cultural activities for Saturday afternoon

·         identifying a speaker for the Saturday evening banquet


A bid consists of:

1.    The proposed convention dates with detailed information about price and room availability from an appropriate hotel.

2.    Information about the special regional amenities, accompanied by brochures, where appropriate.

3.    A description of the kinds of special cultural activities the chapter plans for Saturday afternoon.

4.    A list of possible speakers for the Saturday evening banquet

5.    The names of the members of the local committee and a description of the responsibilities of each member in convention planning.

6.     A letter of support from the faculty advisor of the chapter with an explanation of the kinds of financial, secretarial and other support the chapter can expect to receive from the host institution.

7.     A proposed budget for expenses.


Five copies of the bid will be submitted to the convention committee at the 2009 convention. 
Chapters intending to bid for the 2010 convention are encouraged to contact the Executive Secretary prior to the 2009 convention to discuss their plans: Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Executive Secretary of Eta Sigma Phi, Department of Classics, Monmouth College, 700 East Broadway, Monmouth, IL 61462; Phone:  309-457-2371 ; Fax:  815-346-2565; e-mail: