Hosting an Eta Sigma Phi Convention

In recent years the number of delegates to an Eta Sigma Phi convention has fluctuated fluctuated between 85 and 130, depending upon location. Typically, the Local Committee should create a budget based upon c.$70.00 per delegate.

Early in the academic year preceding the convention, the location committee needs to provide the following to the Executive Secretary:

1.) information about the hotel, especially the number of rooms reserved, and rates
2.) plans to get people from the airport; e.g., can you use college vans? Or provide info about shuttle service.
3.) a detailed budget (see below)
4.) a photo of the local committee to use on a flyer announcing the convention

1. The local committee needs to determine what sorts of activities will happen on Saturday afternoon. These activities should preferably be both fun and educational.
2. The committee needs to determine the banquet speaker for Saturday night. Occasionally, this may be arranged by the national office.

1.) The local committee needs to gather information about the cost of various convention activities listed below. If any funding from the Classics Dept. has been obtained to cover some of these costs, please include that information.
2.) The Executive Secretary will set a price for the registration fee based on these costs. It is very important that this registration fee cover all the costs of convention. The National Office does not subsidize any of this whatsoever.
3.) Registration fees will be mailed to the executive secretary.
4.) At or shortly after the convention the local committee will give the Executive Secreatary a total bill for convention costs.

Here is a list of the costs the local committee is likely to incur:
Cost for any meeting rooms used, if any (hopefully none)
Cost of Friday night reception (a snack/dessert and soft drinks is fine)
Cost of breakfast on Saturday morning (donuts, fruits, juice, coffee, tea)
Cost of Saturday lunch (this is often a boxed lunch)
Cost of Saturday banquet
Cost of breakfast on Sunday morning (donuts, fruits, juice, coffee, tea)
Cost of the t-shirt or whatever convention memorabilia the committee is planning to provide to delegates.
Costs related to Saturday afternoon activities (sometimes this includes the cost of a bus rental)
Honorarium for banquet speaker, if any.
Printing costs (program and whatever else you plan to print)

The Executive Secretary will provide the local committee with the following:
1.) ESP folders for registration materials
2.) ESP pens
3.) a Certamen machine