Letter from ICC President Jane Borelli of Augustana College
Reprinted from Fall, 2001 issue of the Augur

Salvete, Comites,

I hope that your summer time has provided you with whatever combination of leisure and excitement that you require.  We will be "in it" again soon enough.  I do appreciate my own version of the Sabine farm (O noctes cenaeque deum ) as a respite from the forum.

ICC/ICTFL.  As you well know, close on the opening of the new academic year will be the combined October (19 and 20) meeting of ICC and ICTFL, at the Wyndam Hotel in Itasca.  This collaborative meeting has inspired an OUTSTANDING array of presentations by our members, on topics ranging from teaching Latin literature, to the Roman culture of the Empire, to imaginative ways to bring language learning to the elementary and intermediate Latin classes.  We'll also have opportunities to see what our colleagues in the modern languages are doing in the classroom.  You won't want to miss a single session.  An additional incentive for participants will be the possibility of amassing credits for certification renewal.  As an affiliate of ICTFL, ICC can, at this joint meeting, offer its presentations for that purpose.  You will receive registration materials from ICTFL. (Click here for the complete program.)

ORAL LATIN.  A special ICC feature at the October meeting will be an early Friday morning session on oral Latin for the classroom.  This session is something of a scheduling compromise, but one that should be very satisfying.  Let me explain briefly.  As part of the ICTFL experience, the modern languages will each sponsor an "immersion" day, the Thursday before our meetings begin.  Considerable thought was given to a corresponding oral Latin immersion day for ICC members.  The ICC advisory council reluctantly concluded, however, that such a major commitment to oral Latin would be risky at this time, and recommended that we begin with a more modest session, within the normal compass of our meeting time.  So, we have scheduled "Dic mihi Latine" as our first session. We've invited Jim Chochola, from the University of Massachusetts, to be the facilitator.  He comes highly recommended, and is enthusiastic about working with us.  We will be monitoring the response, trying to gauge your appetite for more!

TECHNOLOGY AND CLASSICS.  Jim Betts is preparing a conference workshop that aims to respond to your questions about and aspirations for our computer and internet capabilities.  This Saturday session will be one of the two longer sessions of the two days (one and a half hours), and will coincide with much of the lunch period.  I encourage you to take advantage of both lunch and Jim's expertise by visiting the buffet and bringing your food to the session. 

I look forward to seeing you in October. Aut adestote aut quadrati estote!

Curate ut valeatis,


This material was posted on the web by Professor Thomas J. Sienkewicz of Monmouth College.
If you have any questions, you can contact him at toms@monm.edu.