Monmouth College:  Fall 2008

Greek 101, Elementary Greek, 4 credits

MTWF 8:00-8:50, WH 115

Instructor:  Dr. Wine, office WH 16, x2332; office hours:  MWF 10:30-11


Course Description: 

This course is primarily directed towards students desiring to meet the first-year requirements for graduation under the foreign language component of the Language rubric. Elementary Greek can also fulfill partial requirements for a major in Greek or Classics.


Classes that meet the Language requirement are described in the Monmouth College catalogue in the following way:


            The creation and use of language is the most significant achievement of human beings, for our ability to organize our understanding in verbal symbols and to communicate sets us apart from all other life forms.  The symbols of our language make communication possible at many different levels of meaning and allow us to translate our private experience into universal terms . . . .  A sure understanding of language is the foundation of all knowledge, and the ability to use verbal symbols effectively is the most important of all skills.


This component provides that every student have experience with a second language.  The study of a foreign language allows students to see that their native language often reflects cultural needs and interests at the same time that it shares many basic patterns with other languages.

The aim of these courses is to learn basic reading and writing skills in Greek as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. At the end of two terms of Elementary Greek a student should know the fundamentals of Greek grammar, have a basic Greek vocabulary, and be able to read any Greek text with the help of a dictionary. Speaking and listening skills in Greek will be encouraged only in order to assist the development of reading and writing Greek. READING Greek is much more important than speaking or writing it.

Text for Greek 101/102:
Groton, Anne. From Alpha to Omega, An introduction to Classical Greek.
• Rev. Third Edition, Thoroughly Corrected • Focus Publishing 2000 •  paperback • 1-58510-034-X
Designed for the first course in Classical Greek, fifty lessons in Classical Greek grammar. Presumes little or no previous language study. Readings drawn from authors such as Aesop and Plato. Successfully used in many programs.



Class Goals, Format, and Evaluation:


The goal is for all students to earn the best possible passing grade.  The focus of all assignments, quizzes, and tests is not grading but learning. 


The final average is based on 600 daily homework points, 2400 points for weekly quizzes, 1000 points for daily participation, and 1000 points for the final exam. Extra credit points are available for attendance at archaeology lectures (with a 1-2 page summary and response paper submitted for each, 10 points per paper).


Daily homework assignments will be collected and graded with 7.5 points for submitting the assignment and another 2.5 points for giving it a good try. Up to three homework assignments may be submitted late for a grade.


Quizzes may be made up within two weeks for half credit. Quizzes taken on time may be corrected for half credit on points lost.


Participation doesn’t require all correct answers, but does require attendance and responding to questions.


Grading scale:  A (100-91), B (90-80), C (79-68), D (67-57).


Schedule:  The following schedule shows the pace which is necessary in order to cover the material required for beginning the second semester.  The instructor may make modifications announced in class, however, as necessary, based on class needs and preferences; it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of changes made in class.


Week 1. Χαιρε, Χαιρετε

Tue, Aug 26.    the Greek alphabet and pronunciation

Wed, Aug 27.  diagnostic exam; pronouncing Greek words

Fri, Aug 29.      Chapter 1; quiz


Week 2. πως ’έχεισ σήμερον;

Mon, Sept 1.    Chapter 1, cont.

Tue, Sept 2.     Chapter 2

Wed, Sept 3.    Chapter 3

Fri, Sept 5.       reading assignment and quiz


Week 3. ‘οι πολλοί

Mon, Sep 8.     Chapter 4

Tue, Sep 9.      reading

Wed, Sep 10.  Chapter 5

Fri, Sep 12.      reading and quiz




Week 4. υστερικός

Mon, Sep 15.  Chapter 6

            7:30, Morgan Room: “Roman Gladiators”

Tue, Sep 16.    reading

Wed, Sep 17.  Chapter 7

Fri, Sep 19.      reading and quiz


Week 5. καλως

Mon, Sep 22.  Chapter 8

Tue, Sep 23.    reading

Wed, Sep 24.   Chapter 9

Fri, Sep 26.      reading and quiz


Week 6. ’εκστατικός

Mon, Sep 29.  Chapter 10

Tue, Sep 30.    reading

Wed, Oct 1.     Chapter 11

Fri, Oct 3.        reading and quiz


Week 7. κακως

Mon, Oct 6.     Chapter 12

Tue, Oct 7.       reading                       

Wed, Oct 8.     Chapter 13

Fri, Oct 10.      reading and quiz

Sat, Oct 11.     1:00, Augustana College: “Oscar Broneer, World-Class Archaeologist”


Week 8

Mon, Oct 13.   Fall Break

Tue, Oct 14.     Fall Break

Wed, Oct 15.  review

Thurs, Oct 16 (or 23?). 7:30, Morgan Room:  “Return of ‘Elgin Marbles’”

Fri, Oct 17.      review and quiz


Week 9

Mon, Oct 20.  Chapter 14

Tue, Oct 21.     reading

Wed, Oct 22.  Chapter 15

Fri, Oct 24.      reading and quiz

            4:00: “Classical Cartoon Art”


Week 10

Mon, Oct 27.  Chapter 16

Tue, Oct 28.      reading

Wed, Oct 29.   Chapter 17

Fri, Oct 31.       reading and quiz


Week 11

Mon, Nov 3.    Chapter 18

Tue, Nov 4.      reading

Wed, Nov 5.    Chapter 19

Fri, Nov 7.       reading and quiz


Week 12

Mon, Nov 10.  Chapter 20

            7:30, Morgan Room: “Identity and Practice of Archaeology”

Tue, Nov 11.    reading

Wed, Nov 12.  Chapter 21

Fri, Nov 14.     reading and quiz


Week 13

Mon, Nov 17.  Chapter 22

Tue, Nov 18.     reading

Wed, Nov 19.   Chapter 23

Thurs, Nov 20. 6:00, lecture on Lysistrata performance

7:30, Morgan Room: “Archaeology in Romania

20-23: performance of Aristophanes’  Lysistrata

Fri, Nov 21.      reading and quiz


Week 14

Mon, Nov 24.   Chapter 24

Tue, Nov 25.      reading and quiz

Wed, Nov 26.   Thanksgiving break

Fri, Nov 28.       Thanksgiving break

Week 15

Mon, Dec 1.       Chapter 25

Tue, Dec 2.        reading

Wed, Dec 3.      review

Fri, Dec 5.          review


Week 16

Mon., Dec. 8.    review

Tues., Dec. 9.    review

Wed., Dec. 10.    review


Final Exam:  Saturday, December 13, 1:00


Honesty and Plagiarism:

Students are encouraged to do their homework together (identical work which is submitted should be acknowledged). All other classwork, especially quizzes and exams, must be the student’s own work. Plagiarism, i.e., copying someone else’s work without giving credit, is to be avoided. Such copying--from a book, another classmate’s paper, or any other source--is dishonest. Any student submitting plagiarized work will receive a failing grade for that assignment. If two papers with identical or nearly identical work are submitted by different students, both papers will receive a failing grade.