Classics/History 240G: Ancient Societies
The City and Urban Lif

Course_Description / Required Books / Recommended Text / Instructor / Class Format   /  Special Activities / Goals and RequirementsWeekly Statements / Individualized Project / Group Presentation / Unit Exams / Additional Resources / Additional Electronic Resources

Spring 2006

 TH 9:30-11:45 A.M. , Wallace Hall 114

Instructor: Dr. V. Wine; office WH 115A, office hours: MTWHF 9-9:15, other times by appointment and happenstance

Course description:
The Ancient City
focuses on the complex of institutions, organizations, and structures which are associated with urban life in the ancient world. Various evidence will be studied, including readings in translation from several ancient Greek and Latin literary texts; tombstone and public inscriptions; domestic painting; sculpture and other archaeological remains. Some of the topics to be discussed include: public buildings; political organization; commerce and industry; private life in the city; and civic religion. The basic premise of this course is that the Graeco-Roman city offered a special type of social organization in the Mediterranean world which has influenced modern urban life. In the ancient world private and public perspectives, civic and religious issues, all converge in the institution called polis in Greek and urbs or oppidum in Latin. Ancient society cannot be fully understood without an understanding of its urban life. Study of the ancient city will inevitably confront students with attitudes and social structures different from their own and will put contemporary attitudes towards the city in a more historical and universal perspective.

Required books:
Aristophanes. Aristophanes I: Clouds, Wasps, Birds. Trans. Meineck. Hackett 1998.

Fuchs, trans. Horace’s Satires and Epistles. Norton 1977.

Gates. Ancient Cities. Routledge rpr. 2004.

Recommended text:

Grant. Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii & Herculaneum. Phoenix Press paperback 2005

(out of print: see Peacock Books, for a copy for $9.00)

Class format:
Specific reading assignments will be given on a daily basis. Class periods will usually be a combination of lecture and class discussion on various topics pertaining to the ancient city. Interesting class discussions depend on faithful completion of the reading assignments by every student. Class lectures and discussions will be supplemented by frequent slide shows depicting art and life in the period. Students will be assigned components which they will present to the class. Work on the individualized projects is designed to complement daily class discussions and readings. While daily attendance is not recorded, persistent absence from class will inevitably affect successful completion of course requirements. Make-up work will not be available after the student has more than four absences.

Other required events and special activities:

Attendance at one of the listed lectures is required and strongly encouraged for the others, which provide opportunity for extra credit (10 points for each of 4 lectures) when a 2-page summary and analysis paper, showing how the presentation related to class material, is submitted. In addition, a field trip to the Field Museum to see the Pompeii exhibit is arranged for March 18. These extra-class activities supplement class lectures, discussions, and assigned readings. The 2-page statement for the one required event will count as two weekly statements, but does not replace the other assigned ones.

Schedule of class meetings:
(Modifications may be made as necessary.)

1.Jan. 17. Introduction and Overview

19. I. Near Eastern, Egyptian, and Aegean: ch. 1

2.Jan. 24. ch. 2

26. ch. 3

3.Jan. 31. ch. 4

Feb. 2. ch. 5

4.Feb. 7. ch. 6

9. ch. 7

5.Feb.14. ch. 8 and 9

Archaeology lecture (7:30, Huff 1012), Discovering Ancient Maya Communities

Feb. 15, Archaeology lecture (12 noon, Stockdale Highlander Room), Impact of Water on Ancient Maya Communities

16. II.Greek Cities: ch. 11 and 12; urban development

6.Feb.21. ch. 13 and 14. origins of Greek planning

23. ch. 15 ; Classical period

7.Feb. 28. Wasps

Mar.2. Clouds

Mar.14. Birds

Mar. 15, Fox Classics Lecture, (7:30, Stockdale Highlander Room)

16. ch. 16.; town and country

Mar. 18. Field trip to Field Museum, Chicago, to see exhibit on Pompeii.

Mar. 20, Archaeology Lectures (12 noon, Stockdale Highlander Room), The Marble Trade in Antiquity

(7:30, 109 Morgan Hall, WIU), The Later Doric Order

Mar.21. ch. 17; the Hellenistic world

23. III.Cities of Ancient Italy and the Roman Empire; Pompeii and Herculaneum

Mar.28. ch. 21

30. ch. 18; Etruscan and Roman planning

Apr.4. ch.19

6. no class: work on individualized project. Progress report due on Apr. 11.

Apr.11. ch.20

13. Horace Satires 1.9 and others

Apr.18. Horace Epistles 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18

20. ch. 22; Roman Empire

Apr. 23, Eta Sigma Phi Lecture (4:00, Highlander Room), Mozart and Rome

Apr.25. no class

27. ch. 23 and 24; urban infrastructure

Archaeology lecture ( 7:30, Huff 1012), Karnak, Luxuor, Egypt

May 2. Project presentations

4. Project presentations

Final Exam: May 11 (Thursday), 6 p.m. This meeting will be used for various activities, including oral reports, a course summary, and student evaluation. Attendance at this session is obligatory.

Summary of goals and requirements:

Your final grade will be an average of the following components:

Weekly statements (150 points), assigned class presentations (200 points), individualized project (200 points), group presentation (100 points), first unit exam (150 points), second unit exam (150 points).

I. Weekly Statements
Every week each student will submit a personal statement on the class discussion and reading from the previous week. These statements are informal, short, non-research essays on discussion topics. They should go beyond summarizing of the material to include personal analysis and commentary. Emphasis will be on (1) integration of the student's own ideas and thoughts with the subject matter of the course and on (2) coherent and logical expression of these ideas. The paper should also comment on insights and discoveries, as well as questions the student has encountered in learning and dealing with the material. About 500 words in length (1 ½ pages), these statements should briefly summarize the main points, offer opinion and thoughts about the topics raised, and use specific date for support. These statements will be graded on a five-point scale. Submission of the work on time earns the student one point. Additional points will be earned for following content and stylistic requirements and for personal analysis and commentary. The average of these weekly statements will be 15% of your final grade.

II. Assigned Class Presentations
Throughout the semester students will work in pairs or groups to summarize and comment upon the daily reading assignments. Doing the presentation as scheduled earns the student one point. Additional points will be earned for summarizing and for providing color commentary. Individual students can expect to do five of these presentations. The average of these scores is 20% of the final grade.

III. Individualized Project
Each student will pursue a semester-long project which focuses on some special aspect of ancient urban life and relates this material to life in a modern city setting. In this project you will compare ancient Greek, Roman, and modern American material and analyze some feature of urban life. Preparation for this project must include library research, analysis of historical evidence, and original work. The central product of this project can take the form of a research paper, creative writing, artwork, or any other work which deals with material covered in course readings or discussions. All central products must be supplemented by a written statement (c.600 words) which contains the following information: 1.) a summary of the project; 2.) a description of its preparation; 3.) a list of at least five works consulted (i.e., a bibliography; course books can be cited in the bibliography but only as complements to at least five additional works) and an explanation of how these works were used in the project; and 4.) an explanation of original aspects of this project. This individualized project will be 20% of your final grade.

IV. Group presentations
On the final meeting during the examination period, groups of three or four will present through a panel discussion their projects. The group will be graded on oral technique, originality, and content. All participants are also expected to submit at least a 300-word statement which summarizes their own individual contributions to the planning and the actual presentation. These presentations will take place at the final meeting during the examination period, on Thursday, May 11, at 6 p.m. Students will receive a group grade for the presentation and an individual grade based upon the information in the statement. The average of the group and individual grades will be 10% of the final grade.

V. Unit exams
There will be two unit tests: one at midterm and the other in the last week of regular class.

Additional resources:

Information about Monmouth, Illinois:
History of Warren County, Illinois. 1878.
Portrait and Biographical Album of Warren County, Illinois. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1886.
Robinson, Luther E., editor. Historical and Biographical Record of Monmouth and Warren County, Illinois. Chicago: Munsell, 1927.
Rankin, Jeff, editor. Born on the Prairie. A History of Monmouth Illinois. Monmouth. 1981.
Urban, William. "The Birthplace of Wyatt Earp." Western Illinois Regional Studies 12 (1989), 20-43.

Information about ancient Greek and Roman cities:

(Primary sources):
Aristophanes. Complete Plays (Bantam).
Barnstone, W. Greek Lyric Poetry.(Schoken).
Juvenal. Sixteen Satires (Penguin).
Lefkowitz and Fant. Women's Life in Greece and Rome. 2nd ed. (Johns Hopkins).
Livy. Early History of Rome. (Penguin).
Plato. Dialogues (Bantam).
Plautus. Comedies. Vol. I. (Johns Hopkins).
Thucydides. Histories. (Penguin).

(Secondary sources):
Camp, J. The Athenian Agora. London, 1986.
Carcopino. Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Coulanges, Fustel de.
The Ancient City. (Johns Hopkins).
Descoeudres, Jean-Paul. Pompeii Revisited.
Dinsmoor, W. B. The Architecture of Ancient Greece. London. 1950
Frost, Frank J. Greek Society. 5th ed. (Houghton Mifflin).
Jones, A. H. M. The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian
Keppie, L. J. E. Colonization and Veteran Settlement in Italy, 47-14 B.C.
Nash, E. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome.
London, 1968.
Owens, E. J. The City in the Greek and Roman World (Routledge).
Ramage, Nancy H. And Andrew Ramage. Roman Art . 2nd ed. (Prentice Hall).
Robinson, D. M. Architecture of Pompeii.
Scientific American. Special Issue on Cities, 1994.
Tomlinson, Richard. From Mycenae to Constantinople (Routledge).
Travlos, J. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens. London, 1971.
Wycherley, R. E. The Stones of Athens. Princeton, 1978.

Videos and CD-ROM:
"Rome and Pompeii"
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"
"In the Shadow of Vesuvius"
Scientific American CD ROM on Ancient Cities

Additional Electronic Resources:
Student summaries of Pompeii Revisited
A Satire on the City of Naperville, Illinois, by Brad Mandeville (pace Juvenal)

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