The Lee L. Morgan Room was formally dedicated in honor of Morgan on Oct. 26, 1996.

 The Morgan Room is a versatile and elegant space, with plush carpet, oak walls with oak trim and big, airy windows that let in lots of natural light and provide beautiful view of Peoples’ Park and the campus to the north.

 "It is a room with a view," said English Professor Craig Watson, borrowing from E.M. Forester. He said such a room has been desperately needed on campus as a warm, friendly and functional space that can be used by many different groups for many different purposes. In just two months, it’s already hosted a film series, worship services, college Senate meetings, and community group meetings.

 "It is a place for education and ceremony," he said. "In the past we’ve treated VIPs in dormitory lounges, we’ve used science lecture halls for poetry readings, we’ve conducted large receptions in Wallace Hall and the Highlander Room. These have been adequate, but we have not had elegant spaces. This is an elegant space."

 President Sue Huseman said the beautiful room was an appropriate thank you to Morgan, the former chairman and CEO of Peoria-based Caterpillar Inc. and a former trustee and chair of the Monmouth College Senate. Although he is a graduate of the University of Illinois, Huseman said he gave vast amounts of his time and resources to a small, private liberal arts college that he never attended.

 "How fitting that he has enabled us to create this beautiful space where current and future members of the Monmouth College community can gather to discuss the important business of the college, to celebrate special occasions together, to reflect, worship and share our communal joys and concerns," she said. "Lee Morgan has been a role model of leadership and citizenship."

 For his part, Morgan was moved to tears when he climbed the Poling Hall stairs and saw for the first time the completed room that bore his name.

 "I am stunned by the beauty of this room," he said. "I’m truly honored to have my name associated with it."