
Mr. Urban: Your email concerning the Pike-Sheldon House in Monmouth, IL, has been forwarded to me for response. As noted in the letter sent to you on June 16, 2000, by Carol Shull, the former Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, the Pike-Sheldon House was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on August 12, 1999, under National Register Criterion C, for its local architectural significance. We appreciate your interest that the information contained in the nomination form be accurate, particularly your opinion that the claim that the building was the birth site of Wyatt Earp is unfounded.

The recognition of the Pike-Sheldon House by listing in the National Register of Historic Places rests solely on its architectural significance.

The building was not nominated to the National Register under the criterion which recognizes properties for their historic association with persons significant in our past (National Register Criterion B). The National Register Criteria for Evaluation specifically excludes birthplaces from listing in the National Register, unless they meet special considerations.

A birthplaces can be listed in the National Register only if there are no extant properties associated with the significant person's adult, or productive life.

In the case of the Pike-Sheldon House, the claim that Wyatt Earp was born in the building was give no weight in evaluating the building nominated by the State of Illinois for listing in the National Register. The listing of the Pike-Sheldon House in the National Register in no way substantiates any claim as to the history of who lived there. We will add the information you included with your e-mail to the Pike-Sheldon House file (which also contains the information you sent to the National Register in 1999). The National Register accepts requests to amend the official documentation for listed properties from State Historic Preservation Officers. If you wish to pursue a formal amendment to the record, you should contact that official in Illinois, Mr. William Wheeler, Associate Director, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, One Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield, Illinois, 62701-1512.

Thank you for your interest in the Pike-Sheldon House. Please let me know if I may provide any additional information or assistance.


Patrick W. Andrus


National Register of Historic Places


.....From the National Register's website

1 99000976 IL Pike--Sheldon House Applicable Criterion ARCHITECTURE/ENGINEERING
2 Area of Significance ARCHITECTURE
4 Current Subfunction MUSEUM
5 Historic Function DOMESTIC
6 Historic Subfunction SINGLE DWELLING
7 Level of Significance LOCAL
9 Period of Significance 1825-1849
10 Period of Significance 1850-1874