Overarching Goals of the Monmouth College Theatre Program


If indeed “all the world’s a stage,” the Theatre major offers many ways to successfully “make an entrance.”  The major includes the skills necessary to produce excellent theatre (acting, directing, design, management) along with experiences relevant to lifelong learning (creativity, working in a collaborative environment, achieving self – expression, increasing self-confidence).  Theatre is both a profession and an art and, whether it is graduate study or using theatre in other endeavors (including teaching, public relations, media, law), Theatre majors will offer creative solutions to life’s challenges.  

As a Theater major at Monmouth College, students will be urged to attain three goals.

1. Develop a broad knowledge of the art and craft of theatre in both the classroom and on the stage.

2. Engage in the art and craft of theater by applying skills to the production process.

3. Begin and continue the process of developing a personal approach to the art and craft of theater.




I.  Knowledge


                Develop a broad knowledge of the art and craft of theatre in both the classroom and on the stage.


                This includes an exploration of:



II. Skills


                Engage in the art and craft of theater through direct application to the production process.


This includes developing the skills to:


III.   Development of a Personal Approach


                    Begin and continue the process of developing a personal approach to the art and craft of theater.


This includes the development of: