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Lauren Webb Kelley

Assistant Director/Stage Manager

Feb. 1, 2008

Hello all! I'm Lauren Webb Kelley the Stage Manager and Assistant Director for Waiting for Godot. My experience with
the show will be a much different read from that of the actors. For example, I have been working on this show with Janeve            Lauren at center
since last semester, so first week of rehearsal has been like a half way point for me. My process has included soo much.
As a stage manager I have planned production meetings and made tons of copies before information about auditions were
 ever posted. As an assistant director, I have dug through the script like a crazy person looking for answers. I like to think I know the script inside and out, but I learn something new everyday...but that's Beckett for you. Janeve said something to me once to the effect of, 'You'll be reading Godot again someday in grad school and you'll pick up on new things then that we haven't even thought of now.' I have a feeling she's right, Beckett's a this could go on forever.
Casting the show was an amazing process to watch/be a part of. We ended up with an amazingly talented group of people that I thoroughly enjoy working with. In the first week they have proven that they can work really hard and have fun at the same time. Our balance of work and fun has been great this week. The first week of blocking can be a tough one, but we did really well, if I do say so myself.
I am excited to see this thing unfold, I think it's gonna be great...and you can quote me on that!
Until next time folks..."that passed the time."
Here's one on time...yay!

Feb. 9 


"Week two down! This week was spent running ACT 1 with out scripts and blocking ACT 2. We worked in pace to the off book blocking as well. These rehearsals went decidedly well. As a group, the actors were at about a B+ average on memorization for ACT 1. Thats pretty good for a week and a half. We all put another hard work week into this show, and had a blast doing it. The ensemble is really getting to know one another. Watching and learning what my actors do naturally with their impulses has been most interesting and fun for me. This is great for Janeve and I because when we sat down to block ACT 2, there were moments where we knew we could let the actors play and get some really good blocking out of it. Working with such a hard working and talented group of people makes our job a lot easier. Now, I say 'we' and 'our' in referring to Janeve and myself...but really, she has the visions and ideas...I just spout out random thoughts while she's trying to work. The amazing part is that she lets me.
That's it for now kids. Adieu."

Feb. 15

Another week closer to open. Dancing around sets, playing in new spaces, and working human body piles on top of Brandon made for an interesting week. Our set went up this week and made the space basically unplayable. But we managed...we found a classroom or two in Wallace hall and made our own space. Work on ACT 2 memorization went well. The actors really saw the difference between ACT 1 and ACT 2 and played it well. We had our first full run this week as well and it was fun to see the connections between acts in front of me. The work ethic and hilarity of every practice never fails to take me by surprise. I got to hold my own rehearsal on Wednesday with out Janeve. All went well, no one died, and we got a lot of good work in. Yay me! Things are shaping up and I'm loving every moment of the work that is being put into this production. Until next time...'will night never come?'