Biology 200                             Cell  Biology


Subject                                                                                    Week              Chapter(s)


Introduction to Cells                                                                    1                               1

Molecules in Cells/ Activated Carriers                                         2                               2 (pg. 50-65) & 3 (pg. 106-116)

Protein Structure and Function                                                     3                               4

DNA and Chromosomes                                                             4                               5

Exam 1 (Feb. 15)                                                                        4                               --


DNA Replication, Repair & Recombination                                  5                                6

DNA to Protein                                                                           6                                7

Control of Gene Expression                                                          7                                8

Exam 2  (Mar. 8)                                                                          8                                --



Membrane Structure & Transport                                             10 & 11                         11 & 12

Compartments & Transport                                                          12                               15

 Energy From Food                                                                       13                               13

Exam 3  (April 12)                                                                        13                               ---


Cell Communication                                                                      14                               16

Cytoskeleton                                                                                15                               17

Cell-Cycle Control /Cell Division                                                  16                               18 & 19

Final     Exam (May 6 at 8 am)


Grading:           Lecture             60% (4 Exams @ 15% each, the final is non-comprehensive)

                        Lab                  40% (2 Lab Exams @ 15% each, lab reports 10%)


Material for exams will be taken from the weekly readings and from the lectures.   Lab exams will be taken from lab manual and lab recitation.


The text for the course will be: Essential Cell Biology, by: Alberts, Bray, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts and Walter (2nd Edition).  The Lab manual is: Exercises for the Molecular Biology Laboratory by Guilfoile

These books are available at the bookstore.


Contact:           Prof. James Godde

                        HT 404

                        Phone: 2350