Biology 202                                                                             Genetics


Subject                                                                                    Week              Chapter(s)


Mendelian Genetics/ Extensions of…                                            1 & 2                           3 & 4

Chromosomal Basis of Mendelism                                                    3                                  5

Exam 1                                                                                         3                                  --


Chromosome Number  and Structure                                                4                                 6

Linkage Analysis                                                                             5                                 7

Genetics of Microorganisms                                                            6                                  8                                 

Exam 2                                                                                         7


DNA                                                                                              8                                 9 (pgs. 210-215)

Mutation                                                                                       8 & 9                           13

Genes                                                                                          9 & 10                         14

Genomics                                                                                      11                              16

Exam 3                                                                                          12                               --


Inheritance of Complex Traits                                                          13                                23                   

Population Genetics                                                                        14                                24

Evolutionary Genetics                                                                     15                                25

Final Exam (Dec 14 at 8 am)


Grading:       4 Exams @ 17.5% each, the final is non-comprehensive

Lab assignments 15%

Paper (Your Genetic Autobiography) 15%


Material for exams will be taken from the weekly readings, from the lectures, and from lab recitation. 


The text for the course will be: Principles of Genetics, by: Snustad & Simmons, 5th ed. (John Wiley & Sons).  The lab manual is: Genetics Laboratory Investigations, by Mertens & Hammersmith, 13th ed. (Prentice Hall).  Both of these books are required and are available at the bookstore.


Contact:           Prof. James Godde

                        HT 404

                        Phone: x-2350