INTR 201 Global Perspectives:

World Impact of East Asian Science

Subject                                               Week              Readings

Intro to GP, Ancient China                      1                    Genius of China

Chou Dynasty – 1st Unification                2                   Genius of China

Early Han                                                3                   Genius of China

Late Han                                                4                    Genius of China

2nd Unification                                       5                     Genius of China


2nd Partition – 3rd Unification                6                    Genius of China

3rd Partition                                          7                    Genius of China

4th Unification/ Midterm (March 8)       8                    Genius of China


World of the 15th Century                 10                                ---

Setting the Scene                                11                    1434 pgs 3-59

Venice, Florence & Maps                   12                    1434 pgs 63-131

Italian Science                                     13                    1434 pgs 132-196


Trade Goods                                       14                    1434 pgs 197-254

China’s Legacy/ Indian Ocean           15                    1432 pgs 257-288

Industrial Revolution                          16                                ---                               

Final/ Exam 2 (8 am May 7)


Grading:                                                                      Contact:          Prof. James Godde

                                                                                                            HT 404

Oral Presentations     35% (5% each)                                                  Phone: 457-2350

Exams:                      35% (17.5% each)                                                        

Research Project:      30%

The texts for the course will be:


"The Genius of China” by Robert Temple (ISBN: 978-1594772177)


“1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance” by Gavin Menzies (978-0061492181)


This course is a four credit course which meets 3 days per week for lecture, 50 minutes each (2.5 hrs/week).  Completing the reading assignments shown above as well as preparing for oral presentations should take an additional 7 hours per week and studying for the 2 exams should take 8 hours each, for an average of 1 hour per week.  This results in approximately 10.5 hours per week of effort required to succeed in this course.