Biology 302                      Microbiology


Subject                                                                                    Week       Chapter(s)


Microscopy/Eukaryotic Microorganisms                                            1-2               4, 23

Structure and Function of Bacteria and Archaea                                3                   4

Exam 1                                                                                         4                   --


Isolation, Nutrition & Cultivation                                                    4 - 5                 5

Microbial Growth                                                                          5 - 6                 6

Exam 2                                                                                          7                    --


Control of Microbial Growth                                                          7 - 8                 7

Taxonomy of Bacteria and Archea                                                  8 - 9                17

Archaea                                                                                       9 - 10              18

Proteobacteria                                                                            10 -11               19

Exam 3                                                                                          11                 --


Cyanobacteria                                                                                12                  21

Gram Positive Bacteria                                                                    13                 20

Other Phyla                                                                                    14                  22

Final     Exam (Dec. 15 at 1 pm)


Grading:           Lecture             50% (4 Exams @ 12.5% each, the final is non-comprehensive)

                        Lab                  50% (2 Quizzes @ 10% each, 2 Lab practicals @ 15% each)


Material for exams will be taken from the weekly readings and from the lectures.   Lab quizzes will be taken from lab manual and lab recitation.  Lab practicals will cover the basic skills that one must acquire during the semester.


The text for the course will be: “Microbial Life” by Perry, Staley & Lory (2nd Ed.).  This book is available at the bookstore.  A laboratory manual will be supplied by the instructor.


Contact:           Prof. James Godde

                        HT 404

                        Phone: x-2350