Biology 354                                                               Molecular  Biology



Subject                                         Week(s)     Chapter


DNA & RNA Structure                    1-2              6

Chromosomes and Chromatin          3-4              7

DNA Replication                              4                 8

Exam 1                                             5                 --


DNA Repair                                      5                 9

Homologous Recombination             6                 10

Site-specific Recombination              7-8              11

Exam 2                                             10               --


Transcription                                    10              12

RNA Splicing                                   11               13

Translation                                       12               14

Exam 3                                            13                --


Prokaryotic Gene Regulation            14-15          16

Eukaryotic Gene Regulation             15-16          17

Exam 4                                           May 8 @ 1 pm              


Grading:     4 Exams @ 25% each, the final is non-comprehensive. 


Material for exams will be taken from the weekly readings and from the lectures. 


The text for the course: Molecular Biology of the Gene by: Watson et al. (6th Ed.) 


Contact:      Prof. James Godde                  HT 404                 Phone: 2350