

The Perspectives Committee is all about promoting enjoyable and educational issues that are important and relevant to the campus. These events prove that education can be fun, informative, and beneficial.

Two past examples:

A Shot of Reality

  • an improv/comedy lecture on alcohol awareness

 Driving Simulator

  • students actually got behind the wheel of a car and test just how well they can text and drive. After they’ve taken their turn “on the road” students will learn some of the facts about texting and driving. 
“We want to inform people on campus of issues relevant on campus,” ASAP Perspectives chair Rachel Whitlock, said. “I wanted to have this exercise so everyone is more aware of texting and driving, as it is an important issue, especially for people in our age group.” – The Monmouth College Courier. A Monmouth College professor takes her turn behind the wheel as she places the simulator mask onto her face to test the experience.






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