“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    ?? (undecided)                                                      Report Date:   9-14-00                        



Meeting Dates:  9-5-00 / 9-11-00 / 9-14-00                                                                                               


Absences:           None, perfect attendance                                                                                                 




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

Choosing of our topic

Choosing of people to pick up information and fill out these forms

What kind of guidelines we would have for topic




Discussion of Team Work Process:

We have met with prof. To get some more guidance from him in what we are doing

Team Name is something we will hopefully have completed by our next meeting       



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Come up with Team name at next weeks meeting          

Produce outline of our presentation for chet




Submitted by:  _Jeff DeVena__________________________________