“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:      Interview Inc.                                                    Report Date:   9-29-00                       



Meeting Dates:     9-27-00                                                                                             


Absences:      Total attendance                                                                                                     




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

This was a brief meeting to conduct who would take what part of our paper.  We broke the paper into sections and decided that all team members would have their sections done and typed in Microsoft word by our next meeting on Monday.  From there we will revise then cut and paste the paper together. 

Some things that were discussed where lengths of sections and the length of the paper in general.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

Team seems to be doing very well together, no problems with the group, everyone seems to get along with one another and work together, giving suggestions, asking questions, and successfully working together as a small group



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

As stated above paper will be done in Microsoft word by Monday nights meeting, revisions will be made, then it will be cut and pasted into our group paper. 




Submitted by:  ____Jeff DeVena_______________________________