“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name: L&R Inc.                                   Report Date:      9-30-00                   



Meeting Dates: 9-28-00                                                                                                   


Absences:      None                                                                                    




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:  The team put the final preparations of our upcoming presentation on the table.   Everyone was assigned a specific job for gathering and applying knowledge for the presentation.


Discussion of Team Work Process:  The team sees to be working well together.  We are constantly covering each other’s backs and supporting one another’s research.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:  Our major task is preparation for next wednesday.  We will meet on monday night to finalize our outline and we will meet again on tuesday to give a mock presentation and iron out all of the details.



Submitted by:  Clarence Hollingsworth Jr.