“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:      L&R Inc.                                                    Report Date:          10-27-00                



Meeting Dates:      10-25-00                                                                                             


Absences:               none                                                                                            




Summary of Discussions / Work Done: This week our main focus was preparation for the final project.  When we met as a group we made final decisions on how we were going to present our project, who was going to present what and when we were going to put everything together.       


Discussion of Team Work Process: No one had really begun their individual assignments because we had just received our final work roles but the group does seem confident towards the upcoming completion of the assignment.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines: The deadline that we agreed on within our group was for everyone to have their individual aspects done by Monday evening.



Submitted by:  ___Mr. Hollingsworth________________________________